detailed; full; minute; knowing very well; knowledgeable (about); well-acquainted (with)
to surround; to encircle; to besiege; to lay siege to; to play (go, shogi, etc.)
for (e.g. "she dances well for an eight-year old"); considering it's (something or someone)
dainty; delicate; slender; fragile (e.g. furniture); delicate; frail
to be impressed; to greatly admire
uh-huh; mm-hmm; with a moan; with a groan
cute; adorable; dear; precious; innocent; childlike
terrible; dreadful; amazing (e.g. of strength); great (e.g. of skills); to a great extent; vast (in numbers)
ticklish; embarrassed; awkward; ill at ease (esp. when receiving public praise)
to have a feeling (that); to have a sensation (that)
evening; night; dinner; evening meal; counter for nights
book; document; calligraphy (esp. Chinese); penmanship; handwriting; letter
all eyes; public attention
skin; body (in the context of intimate bodily contact); surface; grain (e.g. of wood); disposition; temperament
to expose (to the sun, public, danger, etc.); to bleach; to refine; to rinse (vegetables); to soak; to doxx
outrageous; preposterous; scandalous; inexcusable; absurd; execrable
quick; prompt; without delay; simple; easy; effortless
unreasonable; unnatural; impossible; forcible; forced; excessive (work, etc.); immoderate
to conceal oneself; to hide; to endure; to bear; to stand
difference; distinction; discrepancy; mistake; error
but then; although; though; reasonable; natural; just
not limited to; not just ...
in the first place; to begin with; after all; anyway; beginning; start
cannot bring oneself (to do); unable to bear (e.g. seeing)
organization; organisation; structure; construction; system (e.g. railroad, transport, party, etc.); tissue; texture (of a rock)
killing; destruction of life; cruel; heartless; callous
impossible to do (although wants to)
after all; in the end; conclusion; end; end of a game of go, shogi, etc.
peace; tranquility; tranquillity; Heian period (794-1185)
to throw into disorder; to disarrange; to disturb (order, peace, etc.); to corrupt (public morals); to dishevel (hair)
quite capable of ...; could happen; not unlikely to
that's a different matter; that's a different story
originally; by nature; from the start
in addition; furthermore; above (which); on top of (which)
to spread; to be propagated
very; greatly; immense; enormous; serious; grave
not less than; ... and over; beyond (e.g. one's expectations); above; above-mentioned; aforementioned
activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.); action; movie (esp. during the silent movie period)
difficult to ...; hard to ...
having done that; if that is done; if it is done in that way
protection; defense; providence; amulet; charm
to disappear (of people or animals); to go (away); to leave; to no longer exist
concerning the result (as opposed to the means used to achieve this result or the original goal)
to be disordered; to be disarranged; to be discomposed; to be upset; to lapse into chaos (due to war, etc.)
luggage; baggage; burden; payload (of a packet, cell, etc.)
to change; to alter; to reform; to correct; to examine; to check