in that way; thus; so; so?
to pay (e.g. money, bill); to brush off; to wipe away; to drive away (e.g. one's competitors); to sell off (something unneeded); to dispose of; to pay (e.g. attention)
10,000; ten thousand; myriad; everything; all; (arch.) various
garden (esp. man-made); orchard; park; place; location
that; the; part (as in "part two"); um ...; er ...
yen (Japanese monetary unit); circle
country; state; region; national government; central government; home (i.e. hometown, home country); (arch.) province (of Japan)
antiquity; the previous era
things like; something like; someone like; such a thing as; (the fact) that; to think that
cheap; inexpensive; calm; peaceful; quiet
surely; certainly; without doubt
1,000,000; one million; million; many
readiness; preparedness; resolution; resignation
general; universal; ordinary; average; (arch.) the same; (arch.) no different
seeming ...; appearing ...; -ish; like a ...; typical of ...
particularly; especially; in particular; expressly
it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that
in the end; at the end of the day
consultation; discussion; discussing; asking (somebody) for advice
100,000; hundred thousand
applicant; candidate; person interested in doing something; person wanting to do something; interested party; volunteer
build-to-order manufacturing; BTO
to pass through; to pass by; to pass (of time); to elapse; to have expired; to have ended; to exceed
to threaten; to menace; to intimidate; to startle; to frighten; to scare
business; task; use; purpose; for the use of ...; used for ...
counter for articles; counter for military units; individual
set; set meal; combo-meal; hairdo
one class; one set; a pair; a suite; a series
to sell wholesale; to grate (e.g. vegetables); to cut up fish
as (for); for; in the capacity of
personnel expenses; labor cost; labour cost; indirect labour costs; indirect labor costs
profit; gains; benefit; advantage; grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.); blessing
to place on (something); to give (someone) a ride; to give a lift; to load (luggage); to carry; to send out (on the airwaves, etc.); to deceive
sales; selling; marketing
this is why; this means; it is the case that
earning extra money (e.g. from a side job)
yes; yeah; hum; hmmm; oof
the past; bygone days; one's past (that one would prefer remained secret); past (tense); preterit; previous life