to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that; to be the result (of); to be the outcome; to be the reason (for)
I'm sorry; (it's) inexcusable; I feel regretful; thank you very much (for help, etc.)
verbal message; word (from someone)
to have a reason; to have an excuse
to take someone (to some place); to take someone along; to lead someone away
to sleep; to die; to rest (in peace); to lie idle (e.g. of resources); to lie unused; (arch.) to close one's eyes
sudden; abrupt; urgent; pressing; steep; sharp; rapid
to come to (in the end); to end in; to attribute; to blame
what's in one's heart; one's emotional state; what one feels
to desire; to wish; to beg; to request; to have something done for oneself
to wish to go well; to have good intentions
tidal hour; right time; favourable opportunity (favorable)
to like; to love; to be fond of
unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected
to instigate; to tempt; to entice; to incite
abrupt; sudden; unexpected
exactly; precisely; just; as if; as though; quite
superscription (on a letter, parcel, etc.); address; overwriting (data, file, etc.)
inner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart)
room; chamber; apartment; flat; stable
to help; to assist; to aid; to contribute to; to be a factor in
to receive favor (favour); to be much obliged to someone; to be indebted
please; somehow or other; one way or another
in good health; healthy; skilled; proficient; master; expert
tea (usu. green); tea break (at work); tea ceremony
to bring; to take (something) along; to fetch; to get
for (e.g. "she dances well for an eight-year old"); considering it's (something or someone)
to be sensible; to be smart; to be tasteful; to be thoughtful; to be tactful; to be sensitive
like; similar to; as with; in the same way
skillful; skilful; delicious; appetizing; fortunate; splendid
tea; tea plant (Camellia sinensis); tea preparation; making tea; brown; (arch.) mockery
easy; trifling; harmless; nothing of the sort; not at all
to make (tea, coffee, etc.); to brew a beverage (with hot water)
to drink; to gulp; to smoke (tobacco); to engulf; to overwhelm; to keep down; to suppress
effort; exertion; endeavour; endeavor; hard work; striving
to untie; to unfasten; to unsew; to unstitch; to solve; to work out; to dispel (misunderstanding, etc.)
appearing ...; looking ...; way to ...; method of; form; style
to fall down; to drop; to be omitted; to be missing; to decrease; to sink; to fail (e.g. exam or class)
carelessness; careless mistake; wetting oneself; soiling oneself; (arch.) crude; (arch.) coarse
nevertheless; at any rate; even so; all things considered; be that as it may
to be lucky; to be in luck; to be attached; to have; to be included
two persons; two people; pair; couple
reliance; trust; faith; confidence