to live; to get along; to spend (time)
on the occasion of; at the time of
school district; school area
main cause; primary factor
parting; separation; farewell
deep down; special place in one's heart; in the back of one's mind
third year of junior high school; third-year junior high school student
(period of) a year; during an era
to creep; to steal up; to draw near unnoticed
advance warning; previous notice; announcement; herald; harbinger; forerunner
natural calamity; disaster
general idea; concept; notion
lunch break; noon recess; noon rest period
class teacher; homeroom teacher; form teacher
to summon; to call (e.g. phone); to convene; to invoke (e.g. subroutine); to call; to open (e.g. a file)
one long cylindrical thing; one film, TV show, etc.; one version; one book; a certain book; ippon; one point
telephone call; phone call; telephone (device); phone
business; thing to be done; something that should be performed; information that should be conveyed
condition; state (of health); appearance
sudden turn; sudden change; (suddenly occurring) accident; emergency
how; in what way; by what means
before I knew it; next thing you know; when I came to
sickroom; hospital room; ward
to jump in; to leap in; to plunge into; to burst in; to barge in
attending physician; physician in charge; (one's) family doctor
(hospital) nurse; registered nurse; RN
to gather; to collect; to assemble
to surround; to encircle; to besiege; to lay siege to; to play (go, shogi, etc.)
inorganic matter; mineral matter; cold; inhuman; robotic
to resound; to be heard far away; to reverberate; to shake; to come (home); to remain (with someone)
warm; mild; (pleasantly) hot; considerate; kind; genial
soft; tender; gentle; mild; informal; light
gradually; steadily; slowly; little by little; step by step; by degrees
to lose; to miss (a change, opportunity); to lose (a loved one); to be bereaved of; to concede (goals, points, etc.)
plainly; clearly; vividly
reality; actuality; hard fact
at that time; in those days
regret; chagrin; mortification; freedom from obstructive thoughts
to advance on; to close in; to march on; to descend on (the enemy); to move towards; to surge forward (crowd, wave of nostalgia, wave, etc.)
to turn over (face down); to lay face down; to point downwards (eyes, head, etc.); to cast down (eyes); to lie (one's body) face down; to lie flat (on the ground)
to be wet; to be moist; to get dim; to become blurred; to become tear-choked