important; significant; precious; valuable; careful
always; without exception; necessarily; certainly; without fail; positively
profit; gains; benefit; advantage; grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.); blessing
exercise; physical training; appeal; campaign; motion; movement
fatigue; weariness; exhaustion; tiredness
gradually (progressing); steadily; slowly; seeping out (sweat, tears, etc.)
to kill; to slay; to suppress; to block; to suppress (a voice, feelings, etc.); to hold back
sure; certain; reliable; trustworthy; If I'm not mistaken; If I remember correctly
to be separated; to be apart; to leave; to go away; to leave (a job, etc.); to quit
in spite of; nevertheless; although; despite; no matter the; regardless of
terrible; dreadful; terrifying; surprising; startling; tremendous
sexual excitement; estrus; oestrus; rut; (coming into) heat
really; truly; indeed; good grief
unperturbed; undaunted; retaining composure; unyielding; not giving an inch
defense; defence; safeguard; protection
way; method; means; resource; course
foul play (sport); breaking the rules; infringement; irregularity
I'm off; see you later; to go (and then come back)
inconsequential; indifferent; not worth worrying about; whatever; whichever; I don't care
inside one's heart; in one's mind
to spit out; to eject; to dump
anyhow; in any case; at any rate; at best; at most
once; for a short time; briefly; (arch.) one morning
surely; clearly; without a doubt; in all probability; no matter how one slices it; no matter how one looks at it
sure to ...; certain to ...; bound to ...; it's natural that ...
expectation; anticipation; hope; promising; rising; up-and-coming
all one's power (strength, energy, efforts); one's utmost
to use up; to exhaust; to devote oneself (to); to do one's utmost (for); to do to exhaustion; to do completely
readiness; preparedness; resolution; resignation
assumption (of office); taking up (a post); inauguration; installation
to be attached; to be connected with; to remain imprinted; to scar; to bear (fruit, interest, etc.); to be acquired (of a habit, ability, etc.); to increase (of strength, etc.)
from now on; after this; in the future; from here; from this point
situation; (present) state of affairs; circumstances
to persevere; to persist; to insist that; to stick to (one's opinion); to remain in a place; to stick to one's post
loss of strength; exhaustion; weakness
stand; rack; support; holder; counter for machines, incl. vehicles; setting (e.g. in jewellery); level (e.g. price level)
he; she; this; this one; Hey, you!; You bastard!
female; woman; female sex; female lover; girlfriend; mistress
as (e.g. "do as one is told", "as we age we gain wisdom"); wherever (e.g. "wherever my fancy took me")
oh!; good heavens!; ugh!; oh no!; ah!; the penny drops!
lying face down; lying on one's face; placing upside down; placing face down