first of all; to begin with; probably; most likely; more or less (satisfactory); on the whole
to dislocate one's back; to be unable to stand up due to fear or surprise
unable to do one's work; can't get anything done
to glare at each other; to confront each other
far away; distant place; long ago; far back; by far
to cut into (a conversation); to interject
to loiter; to putter; to prowl; to be confused from not knowing what to do
unfortunately; sorry, but ...
to place on (something); to give (someone) a ride; to give a lift; to load (luggage); to carry; to send out (on the airwaves, etc.); to deceive
meaningful; suggestive; telling; significant; pregnant (pause etc.)
objection; refutation; rebuttal; counterargument
same; similar; (just) like; equal
most; highest; maximum; best; wonderful; finest
notification; official notice; directive (e.g. from higher to lower levels of the administration); being well versed (in); being proficient (in)
to imitate; to follow; to emulate
to be separated; to be apart; to leave; to go away; to leave (a job, etc.); to quit
inner canthus; inner corner of the eye
consciousness; awareness; relief; calm
close (e.g. friend); familiar; familiar (e.g. story); well-known (to one); close (relatives); closely related
to take over; to capture; to seize; to hijack (vehicle, account, etc.)
friendly relations; social relations; social life
unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
to take offense (at); to take offence (at); to feel hurt (by)
boy; son; baby boy; young man
virginity (of a male); virgin; (Catholic) nun; sister
popularity; public favor; condition (e.g. market); tone; character
to scold; to chide; to rebuke; to reprimand
transformation; abnormality; sexual perversion; pervert; metamorphosis; transformation
there; over there; genitals; private parts; that far; that much
entertainer (esp. boy band or girl group member) whose image is manufactured to cultivate a dedicated consumer fan following; Japanese idol; (cultural) icon; idol; idol (object of worship); image
something; some kind of; for some reason
stomach; Chinese "stomach" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
to get twisted; to get crooked; to become twisted (of a mind, relationship, etc.); to become warped; to become troubled; to become complicated
normal; ordinary; normally; ordinarily; local train; train that stops at every station
reverse; opposite; converse (of a hypothesis, etc.); inverse (function)