gem; jewel; precious stone
to fire (gun, arrow, questions, etc.); to shoot; to set free; to release; to emit (e.g. light); to give off (e.g. a scent)
superiority; superior power; predominance; preponderance
hard to say; inexpressible; hesitant to say; embarrassing; delicate
extra; more; unnecessary; needless; all the more; even more
to explain clearly; to give detailed instructions
grim; stern; stark; heartless
to enquire of someone about something (inquire); to question; to interrogate; to grill (someone about a matter); to question in detail
to confess; to speak out; to disclose; to tell
sure; no mistaking it; for certain; without doubt
frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or injustice); annoyed; chagrined; (bitterly) disappointed; bitter; vexed
sudden; abrupt; urgent; pressing; steep; sharp; rapid
to well up (of tears, anger, joy, etc.); to surge up (within oneself); to rise; to feel nauseated; to feel sick
angry; indignant; wrathful; enraged
tradition; legend; folklore
to represent; to signify; to reveal; to show; to express; to make widely known
country; state; region; national government; central government; home (i.e. hometown, home country); (arch.) province (of Japan)
to scurry home; to run home; to fly back
of course; certainly; naturally
knowing; (an) acquaintance
faint; dim; weak; poor; wretched; meagre
laughing at an inappropriate time; not being able to hold back one's laughter; scornful laughter; snicker; snigger
to taper to a point; to become pointed; to become sharp; to look displeased; to look sour; to be on edge
crisis; critical situation; emergency; pinch
to fall into (e.g. a hole); to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.); to fall into (a trap, etc.); to fall; to surrender
to send or direct a person to
to give; to confer; to bestow; to kindly do for one; to oblige; to favour
both hands; both arms; ten
to join together; to combine; to join up
glittering; sparkling; glistening; twinkling
leader; pioneer; guide; leader (in Shugendō)
to be amazed; to be shocked; to be astonished; to be astounded; to be disgusted; to be exasperated
to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task; to be ready; to be completed; to be made; to be built; to be good at
(not) at all; (not) in the slightest; wholly; entirely; extremely; very
secular life; workaday world
to be separated; to be apart; to leave; to go away; to leave (a job, etc.); to quit
long (distance, length); long (time); protracted; prolonged
generation; the world; the age
anyone; anybody; everyone; everybody; whoever
satisfaction; pride; one's strong point; one's forte; regular customer; regular client
to bend; to warp; to curve
no sooner than; as soon as; immediately after; at the thought of; when I think about