recommendation (of a person for a position); nomination
to break a promise; to go back on one's word; to renege
limply; wearily; listlessly; languidly; exhaustedly; unenergetically
to slurp; to sip (loudly); to sniffle; to sniff
nape of the neck; back of the neck; scruff of the neck
to rub; to crumple; to massage; to argue; to have a heated discussion; to train; to coach
(a) few; (a) little; trifling; insignificant; small (amount); scarce (stocks)
side (of something, or taking someone's side); part; (watch) case
plenipotentiary powers; full authority
entrusting; charge; delegation; authorization
representative; representation; delegation; switchboard number; main number
measure; step; countermeasure; counterplan; countermove; strategy
committee; commission; board; panel; committee meeting
dispatch; despatch; deployment; temporary employee (esp. from an agency); temporary worker; agency temp
conference; consultation; discussion; negotiation
to the last; persistency; thoroughness
tolerant; generous; lenient; broad-minded; magnanimous
person in charge (including a supervisory role for other staff); person responsible for ...; responsible party; supervisor; manager
busying oneself about (something); being on the move; bestirring oneself; on the go; taking an active interest
making a round trip; going and returning; round-trip ticket; return ticket; correspondence; exchanging (letters)
to bring; to take (something) along; to fetch; to get
main; principal; chief; primary; major
to be exhausted; to be worn out
to get tired; to tire; to become worn out (of a well-used object); (arch.) to starve
kind; gentle; considerate; generous; friendly; nice
to show appreciation for (efforts, esp. by someone of equal or lower status); to thank for; to reward for
very; much; greatly; a lot of
rumor; rumour; gossip; speculation; irresponsible criticism; hearsay
seat; place; position; status; gathering; party; stand
successfully; fairly; artfully; nicely; thoroughly
something; nothing (with neg. verb)
to let out; to utter; to issue; to send; to leave; to depart
muscle stiffness (esp. in shoulders); lump (in tissue, esp. breast); swelling; lingering discomfort; uneasiness
personality; character; personal appearance; gentility
if anything; if pushed I'd say; if I had to say
simple and clear; plain and simple
sympathy; compassion; pity
dot; spot; mark (in an exam, etc.); grade; point (in a game); score; point (in geometry)
for example; for instance; e.g.
eldest son (may be the only son); first-born son
growth; breeding; growing up (in, as); upbringing
affectionately attached; reluctant to part
tangle; entanglement; snarl; complication; difficulties; trouble