to be convinced (that); to be under the impression (that); to make up one's mind; to set one's heart on; to be obsessed (with a thought, idea, etc.); to think about obsessively
to stand watch; to stand guard; to look out; to open (one's eyes) wide
growing light (e.g. at dawn); pale; appearing dumb; talking in an obvious way
sky; the air; weather; far-off place; distant place; state of mind; feeling
fashion; trend; vogue; prevalence (of a disease); epidemic
thunderous; rumbling; thunderously; rumblingly
to blow up (i.e. wind); to blow upwards; to spout into the air
nodding off (while sitting); dozing
night watch; fire watchman
stake; post; pile; (arch.) stump
yakiniku; Japanese dish of grilled meat similar to Korean barbecue; roasted meat; grill
fat; tallow; lard; grease
to harden; to solidify; to become firm; to become certain; to gather (together); to assemble
to be lucky; to be in luck; to be attached; to have; to be included
to roll; to wheel; to turn over; to tip over; to leave; to buy and sell (quickly for a profit)
to be wrapped up (e.g. in a blanket); to cover oneself
to expose (to the sun, public, danger, etc.); to bleach; to refine; to rinse (vegetables); to soak; to doxx
to hold in one's arms; to carry in one's arms; to have (problems, debts, etc.); to take on (a responsibility); to employ; to have (on one's staff)
the grass; grassy place (esp. with long dense grass)
log; dace (Tribolodon hakonensis)
thundering; purring; something large and heavy starting to roll; scattered about; common; idleness; idling about
to roll; to tumble; to fall over; to roll over; to lie down; to be scattered about; to be lying around
to sleep like a log; to sleep deeply
to tie up in a bundle (e.g. straw, hair, bills, letters); to bundle; to govern; to manage; to fold (one's arms); to put together (one's hands)
loose; slack; gentle (slope, curve); slow (speed); lenient; liberal
to begin to grow light; to dawn
purple; violet; Lithospermum erythrorhizon (species of gromwell); type of soy sauce
Prussian blue; deep blue; dark blue; ultramarine
to dwell; to live; to stay at; to take shelter at; to be pregnant; to be part of a constellation
to scatter; to cause a shower of; to disperse; to distribute; to resolve (a symptom, condition, etc.); to relieve
roost; nest; pad; crib; one's home
rustling; flapping; unkempt (hair, etc.); loose; dry; decisively
flapping sound (of wings); fluttering; hum (of insects); whizz (of a flying arrow); whoosh
one's homeland; one's old home