to do for (someone); to take in; to deceive; to hoodwink
isn't it?; let's ...; why don't we ...; how about we ...
reality; actuality; practice (as opposed to theory); truly; really; bhutakoti (limit of reality)
loyalty; sincerity; allegiance; fidelity; integrity
to like; to be pleased with; to be delighted with; to take a liking to; to suit one's fancy
cold; indifferent; unfriendly; unsympathetic; unkind
is it?; isn't it?; be; is
hair; fur; wool; down; plumage
to hate; to dislike; to loathe
each time; every time; whenever (something happens); on the occasion of
heartrending; desperate; hopeless; full of grief
important; significant; precious; valuable; careful
by all means; at any cost; whether (one is) willing or not; willingly or unwillingly; on no account; by no means
hopeless; futile; no use; beyond help; cannot be done
increasingly; more and more; decreasingly (when declining); less and less
sitting up all night; staying up all night
service; ministry; attendance; offering goods at a reduced price; providing a service for free
shuddering; shivering; trembling; being horrified; being disgusted
to push up; to force up; to pressure one's superiors; to burst out (of emotions, etc.); to fill one's heart
to vomit; to throw up; to feel nauseated; to feel sick
true character; true form; true colors (colours); consciousness; one's senses
both hands; both arms; ten
all over the body; from head to foot; all over
to become numb; to go to sleep (e.g. a limb); to get an electric shock; to tingle (from an electric shock); to be excited; to be titillated
adoration; reverence; esteem
to hide; to keep to oneself
eternity; perpetuity; permanence; immortality
hunger and thirst; starvation
this way (of doing); this method; this sort (of thing); this type
again (and again); once again; yet again; (there you go) again
insistent; obstinate; persistent; too rich (taste, etc.); fatty; heavy
(not) at all; (not) a bit; (not) in the least; (not) in the slightest
to take good care of; to treasure; to value; to hold dear; to prize; to cherish
utter villain; atrocious fiend; devil
to perceive; to grasp (the situation)
whispering; subdued; murmuring; dry and tasteless
clumsy (work); awkward; poorly made; ugly (of a person); unattractive; plain
since one's birth; in one's whole life; all one's life
looking directly at; looking straight at; looking squarely at (e.g. a problem); facing (e.g. the truth); normal vision; emmetropia
to pay (e.g. money, bill); to brush off; to wipe away; to drive away (e.g. one's competitors); to sell off (something unneeded); to dispose of; to pay (e.g. attention)
to throw oneself (e.g. off a cliff, etc.)
to be born (with); to be born (to be); to be destined
bamboo (any grass of subfamily Bambusoideae); middle (of a three-tier ranking system)
all over (the place); throughout; everywhere; every inch; every part; from head to toe