to pull; to tug; to draw (attention, sympathy, etc.); to attract (e.g. interest); to draw back (e.g. one's hand); to draw in (one's chin, stomach, etc.); to draw (a card, mahjong tile, etc.)
necessary; needed; essential; necessity; need; requirement
particle used to indicate the speaker's hope, desire, wish, etc. (e.g. "it would be nice if ...", "I wish there were ...", etc.); emphatic particle; particle adding uncertainty
to be hard pressed; to be at a loss; to become poor; to be reduced to poverty
two times; twice; two degrees
to break the silence; to break one's silence
to divide; to cut; to halve; to break; to crack; to dilute; to fall below
being in charge (of an area of responsibility); being responsible (for a work role, etc.)
field; sphere; realm; division; branch
empty threat; bluff; paper tiger
to trick; to cheat; to deceive; to coax; to wheedle; to soothe and humor (humour)
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
to break; to fracture; to fold; to bend; to make (origami); to interrupt
to be able (to); to be possible (to)
while; during (the time when)
everyone; anyone; no one; nobody
to disappear (of people or animals); to go (away); to leave; to no longer exist
molasses; black treacle; (sugar) syrup
stain; spot; smudge; spot (on one's skin, e.g. chloasma, liver spot); blemish; discoloration
to be attached; to be connected with; to remain imprinted; to scar; to bear (fruit, interest, etc.); to be acquired (of a habit, ability, etc.); to increase (of strength, etc.)
to spread (out); to extend; to stretch; to reach to; to get around; to fill (e.g. a space)
bad; poor; poor (quality); inferior; evil; sinful; ugly
presentiment; premonition; hunch; to have a premonition; to have a hunch
to memorize; to memorise; to learn; to pick up; to feel; to think
laser; Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
to take aim (at); to set one's sights (on); to zero in (on)
by the way; incidentally; sometimes; occasionally; precisely (at that time); exactly
feeling; sense; impression
to insert; to put in (such that there is a snug fit); to have sex; to fuck; to pigeonhole (into a particular category); to place a ring-shaped object around something (esp. one that restricts freedom, such as handcuffs)
in some way or other; one way or another; somehow; only just; barely
to outwit; to outsmart; to counterplot; to pierce something all the way through
how; in what way; why; for what reason; cannot possibly; no way
no matter how much time passes
encumbrance; burden; drag
at that time; at that moment; then; on that occasion
anything and everything; just about everything
just like that; in the twinkling of an eye; in the blink of an eye; (lit.) in the time it takes to say "ah!"
snapping (e.g. fingers) sound; with a pop