there; over there; genitals; private parts; that far; that much
by myself; in person; by oneself
such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener); like that; that sort of
sentence-ending particle expressing doubt
to take more time than expected; to take a long time; to be delayed
promptly; immediately; quickly; indifferently
to sit; to squat; to assume (a position); to hold steady; to hold still
to fish; to angle; to catch; to lure in; to tempt; to attract
to fall down; to drop; to be omitted; to be missing; to decrease; to sink; to fail (e.g. exam or class)
at once; immediately; right now
to jump in; to leap in; to plunge into; to burst in; to barge in
custom; practice; said; aforementioned; instance; example
to scheme; to plan; to play a trick; to invent; to conspire; to frame up
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
selection; choice; option
to make a mistake (in); to commit an error; to be wrong; to be incorrect; to mislead; to misguide
to be in a hurry; to be impatient; to be anxious (to do); to get a fright; to panic; to get flustered
to plan one's next moves; to work out a plan
as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate
each time; always; often; thank you for your continued patronage
homeroom; form room; form class
very thin; flimsy; cheap; shallow
sermon; preaching; remonstration; scolding; lecturing
to let (someone) hear; to tell (e.g. a story); to make (someone) listen; to make (someone) understand; to grip (someone) with skilful singing, storytelling, etc.; to hold (someone) enchanted by
cooperation; collaboration
last (on the list); (at the) bottom; (in) last position; tailender
to get torn; to tear; to rip; to be broken off (of negotiations, etc.); to break down; to collapse
to cover; to hide; to conceal; to wrap; to disguise
rattling; clattering; trembling; shivering; whining; grumbling
shape; appearance; collateral; obverse of an old "zeni" coin
to be separated; to be apart; to leave; to go away; to leave (a job, etc.); to quit
You'll regret this!; I'll get you for this; Just you wait
library (usu. single-room); small library
anonymity; using an assumed name
danger; peril; hazard; risk
honest; frank; candid; honestly; frankly
frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or injustice); annoyed; chagrined; (bitterly) disappointed; bitter; vexed
representative; representation; delegation; switchboard number; main number
to leave (behind); to leave (undone); to not finish; to save; to set aside; to leave (to someone, esp. after one's death)
workshop; studio; atelier
pupil; disciple; adherent; follower; apprentice; young person
order (for an item); request; demand; condition