screaming; squawking; squealing; loud complaining; noisy conversation
bottom of one's heart; depths of one's mind; innermost thoughts; from the bottom of one's heart; wholeheartedly; truly
to be disappointed; to be dejected; to be downhearted; to feel exhausted; to feel drained
looking good; sounding good; (of) good appearance
shipping company; freight company; transport company
deliverer; deliveryman; delivery person
living together (with one more person)
to pierce; to stab; to sting; to bite; to sew; to stitch; to pole (a boat)
female high-school student
to rush on; to attack; to swoop down on
to jostle; to shove and push; to struggle with one another
to stick into (of something with a sharp point); to prick; to pierce; to resonate emotionally; to move
legitimate self-defence; legitimate self-defense
claim; insistence; assertion; advocacy; emphasis; contention
nonprosecution; nonindictment
disposal; throwing away; dealing with (a problem); measure; punishment; penalty
chief (of police); head (of office)
sincerely; earnestly; repeatedly; over and over; again and again
upper lobe (of lung); superior lobe
the vertical; height; front-to-back; length; north-to-south; vertical (relationship)
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage
distinction; differentiation; discrimination; discrimination (against people)
fear; dread; dismay; terror; horror; scare
crime; sin; penalty; sentence; fault; responsibility
madness; insanity; irregularity; deviation; fanaticism; fanatic
to make a mistake (in); to commit an error (e.g. in calculation); to confuse; to mistake something for something else
to walk; to go on foot; to tread (a figurative path); to follow; to advance towards (e.g. a solution); to set out (e.g. on the path to destruction, ruin, etc.)
wound; injury; chip; crack; flaw; defect
thicket; bush; grove; (medical) quack
to bring (somebody into a place); to lead into
intent to kill; intent to murder; urge to kill; murderous impulse
to declare; to assert; to state definitively; to finish saying; to say it all; to finish one's sentence
crane (any bird of the family Gruidae, esp. the red-crowned crane, Grus japonensis)
roll (e.g. of cloth); winding (e.g. watch); volume (of book); speeding up; heel (of a Japanese sandal)
re-; again; repeated; deutero-; deuto-; deuter-