judgement; judgment; expert opinion; appraisal
a question of whether or not someone should resign
development; growth; development (of a situation, story, etc.); advancement; playing around; having an active sex life
authority; power; influence
stab wound; puncture wound; bite (e.g. from a insect); sting; prick
for (e.g. "she dances well for an eight-year old"); considering it's (something or someone)
assailant; perpetrator; wrong-doer; aggressor
to reach; to amount to; to be up to the task; to come up to; to compare with; to be a match (for)
planned; scheduled; systematic
unconditionally; as a rule
Saitama (city, prefecture)
to replace; to substitute; to shift; to change places
mountain stream; valley; dale; wetlands; swamp; marsh
fingernail mark; scratch; scars (e.g. of war); traces (of damage); ravages
to dance (orig. a whirling dance); to flutter about; to revolve
depending on; as soon as; immediately after; as (e.g. "as one is told", "as one wishes"); whatever (e.g. "whatever is at hand"); order; program
for a long time; since long ago; always; already; far in advance (e.g. reservation)
Kagoshima (city, prefecture)
shortage of talented people; shortfall in human resources
contribution (furthering a goal or cause); services (to a cause)
to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in
to touch; to come in contact with; to receive (e.g. visitor); to attend to; to receive (news); to get; to encounter
(much) more than others; exceedingly; extremely; unusually
value; worth; virtue; blessing
courage; bravery; valour; valor; nerve; boldness
front-facing; forward-looking; positive; constructive
how others look at you; what others think about you
accusation; complaint; charge; legal action
to withdraw; to abandon (e.g. a lawsuit)
innocence; being not guilty
meeting; conference; session; assembly; council; convention
conviction; belief; confidence
materials; data; document
height (of body); stature