connected to
FrequencyTop 100-200
Kyōiku (4th grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 7
Old form
Composed of

It's a gate that is connected to both heaven and hell through a pair of demonic horns.

Used in vocabulary (643 in total)
relation; relationship; participation; involvement; influence; effect
unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected
to be affected; to be influenced; to be concerned with; to have to do with; to stick to (opinions)
to concern; to be related
related to; in relation to; as far as ... is concerned
entrance; front door; entryway; entranceway; entry hall; vestibule
person concerned; people involved (in an event); those concerned; staff
relation; connection; relevance
engine; agency; organisation; system; facility
concern; interest
relation; connection
joint (knee, elbow, etc.)
human relations; personal relationships
participation; taking part in; participating in; being concerned in
apathetic; indifferent
Kanto; region consisting of Tokyo and surrounding prefectures; Kanto; north-eastern half of Japan (during the feudal era)
in spite of; nevertheless; although; despite; no matter the; regardless of
barrier; gate; seki (in go); mutual life
relationship; relation
relationship of mutual trust; fiduciary relation
entrance; front door
unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected
Kansai; region consisting of Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto and surrounding prefectures; Kansai; south-western half of Japan (during the feudal era)
to be a matter of life or death
related to; in relation to
one's relationships; people one knows; circle of friends
barrier; obstacle; difficulty; hurdle; deadlock
barrier; checkpoint; gateway; hurdle; obstacle; trial
barrier; checkpoint; checking station
to be interested in; to take an interest in; to care about
to have a relationship; to have relations
front entrance; front door
cooperative relation; cooperative relationship; collaborative relationships; cooperative structure; cooperative ties; cooperative alliance
the most one can do; the best one can do; the best one can expect
entrance door; front door; gateway (to a region, etc.)
pecking order; hierarchical relationship; vertical relationship; hyponymy
consequence; causal relationship; nexus
to get involved or entangled in; to get mixed up in; to have something to do with; to have dealings with
balance of power (in a relationship); power dynamic
relatedness; associativity; relation; relationship; relevance
unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected
no concern of mine; nothing to do with me
love triangle; eternal triangle
(establish) friendly (cordial) relations (with, between); (form) friendship (e.g. with a nation)
concern; business
the relation of master to servant
love affair; love relationship
locomotive; engine
close connection; deep involvement; close relationship
tariff (import tax); duty; customs
(means of) transportation; transport; transportation facilities; transportation system; transit system
hostile relations; hostile relationship
blood relationship; blood relations; being genetically related
chief advisor to the Emperor (adviser)
male-female relationships; relations between the sexes; sexual relations
relationship; connection; involvement; entanglement; implication (e.g. in a crime)
parent-child relationship
all facts (of a case)
educational institution
sexual relations; physical relations; carnal relations
Sekigahara (battle site, 1600); decisive battle; critical battle
to be a point of honor; to affect someone's good name
matter of concern and interest
Kanto region (incl. Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures)
function; function (programming)
intelligence agency; secret service
locking technique in judo
customs; customs house
marital relationship; marital relations
background (of a case, incident, etc.)
financial institutions; banking facilities
connection; relation; linkage
perpetual motion machine; perpetual motion engine; perpetuum mobile
public institution; public organization; official body
to be affected; to be influenced; to be concerned with; to have to do with; to stick to (opinions)
as far as ... is concerned; so far as ... can tell
barrier; gate
to connect; to correlate; to associate; to relate; to link
engineer (on a train, ship, aircraft, etc.)
hip joint; coxa
government body; government agency
to attract interest; to get attention to appeal
affiliated company; affiliated business
ōzeki (second highest rank in sumo)
improvement of relations; rapprochement
front door; vestibule
to connect; to correlate; to associate; to relate; to link
information media; press; news organs
unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected
person from the Kansai region
to get involved or entangled in; to get mixed up in; to have something to do with; to have dealings with
health care worker; medical personnel
correlation; interrelation; intertwining
domineering husband; hectoring husband; husband who rules the roost
public transportation; public transport
Great Kanto earthquake of 1923
relations with women
internal combustion engine
complicity (in a crime); collusion
Kasumigaseki; district of Tokyo where most of Japan's government ministry offices are located; government ministries (of Japan); Japanese government bureaucracy
administrative organ; administrative body; governmental body
relations; members of extended family
news media; news organization; newspeople; people in the press
Kwantung Army (Japanese armed forces in Manchukuo)
correlation; interrelation
barrier keeper
secret military agency; secret service
correlation diagram; correlation chart
to garner interest; to attract attention
ranking wrestler in the makuuchi (senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions
relationships with the opposite sex
organs of the state; machinery of the state
as far as ... is concerned; so far as ... can tell
mutual relationship; interrelationship; interaction
bulletin; (party) organ
whole district of Kanto
the concerned government agencies; the ministries and agencies that are relevant to the matter at hand; the relevant authorities
arthralgia; joint pain
Kasumigaseki; district of Tokyo where most of Japan's government ministry offices are located; government ministries (of Japan); Japanese government bureaucracy
to affect someone's prestige; to be beneath one's dignity
strengthening of relations
international relations
doorkeeper; doorman; porter
the eight Edo-period provinces of Kanto (Sagami, Musashi, Awa, Kazusa, Shimousa, Hitachi, Kouzuke and Shimotsuke)
public agency; public institution
relation; connection; relevance
bulletin; (party) organ
honorific added to names of makuuchi and juryo division wrestlers
World Health Organization (Organisation); WHO
Battle of Sekigahara (1600)
international organization; international organisation
wrestler of the third highest rank
judicial branch (of government); judicial organ
to take a growing interest in
context (of a passage)
customs clearance
hard-to-get-into university; elite university; highly-selective university
No Unauthorized Persons; No Unauthorized Entry; Authorized Personnel Only
tense relationship; tense relations; strained relations; strained ties; tension
relevant documents; (all) the documents related (to the matter)
consultative body; advisory committee; advisory organ
research organization; investigative body
Sekigahara (battle site, 1600); decisive battle; critical battle
bilateral relations; relationship between two countries
to relate to; to connect with
sexual relations; sexual relationship
line of regents and advisers (advisors)
relationship between Japan and the United States; Japanese-American relations
to attract interest; to get attention to appeal
to whom it may concern
Kansai region (center-west area of Japan comprising Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto and surrounding prefectures)
Kanmon Straits (between Honshu and Kyushu)
relativity; interconnectedness; correlation
hard-to-get-into school; elite school; highly-selective school
in spite of; nevertheless; although; despite; no matter the; regardless of
interested parties; persons concerned; stakeholder
dependence (relationship); dependency (relationship)
person involved in a gang; person with gangster associations; yakuza member
finance-related; financial
spin-off merchandise
administrative authority
customs officer
locomotive depot; engine depot
multiple joints; multijoint; articulated
de facto marriage; common-law marriage; living together as husband and wife without formal marriage
to whom it may concern; to the involved parties; to all persons concerned
interphalangeal joint; knuckle joint
refusing to see a visitor
social relationship; social context
jaw joint; temporomandibular joint; TMJ
executive committee or organ
related article; related story
cooperative relationship; partnership
(means of) transport
relevant source; well-informed source; interested parties
disaster-related death; catastrophe-related death
hard-to-get-into university; elite university; highly-selective university
World Trade Organization (Organisation); WTO
the eight Edo-period provinces of Kanto (Sagami, Musashi, Awa, Kazusa, Shimousa, Hitachi, Kouzuke and Shimotsuke)
breaking through or sneaking past a barrier
power relations; balance of power (between)
related equipment; related device
to be the subject of attention; to call people's attention; to be the rage; to be of interest
to stimulate interest in; to raise awareness of
governing institution; governing institutions; organ of government
theory of the Emperor as an organ of government
temporomandibular joint disorder; temporomandibular joint dysfunction; TMD; TMJ
locomotive engineer; engine driver
affiliate (company, organization); concerned bodies; interested organizations
legislature; legislative body
communications media; communication facilities; means of communication
Battle of Sekigahara (1600)
Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895)
foreign (international) relations; diplomacy; external affairs
reciprocal relationship; mutually beneficial relations; relationship with benefits to both parties
related item; related topic
relationship; connection; involvement; entanglement; implication (e.g. in a crime)
to relate to; to connect with
external combustion engine
strategic reciprocity; mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests
oden; dish of various ingredients, e.g. egg, daikon, potato, chikuwa, konnyaku, etc. stewed in soy-flavored dashi
related industries; associated industries
central organization; central authority; central government agency
regents and advisers (advisors)
(having) a close relationship (with)
International Atomic Energy Agency; IAEA
organ of public opinion
the authorities concerned; the competent authorities
relationship of equality; (being) on an equal footing
related (relevant) matters; matters relevant to the subject
critical moment; crucial point; crossroads
scientific calculator; scientific electronic calculator
foot joint; ankle
name of corporate body
Tōhoku earthquake (March 11, 2011); Tohoku earthquake; Sendai earthquake; Great East Japan Earthquake
allusion; alluding; related explanation
derivative; derived function
related product; related products
extremely close relationship; collusive relationship
interference; intervention; meddling
one's hometown
in relation to
rheumatoid arthritis
dislocation of the hip; hip dislocation
maritime customs taxes
mechanism; machinery; trick; dodge; mechanical doll; string puppet
articular facet; facies articularis
Kasumigaseki; district of Tokyo where most of Japan's government ministry offices are located; government ministries (of Japan); Japanese government bureaucracy
follow-up question; related question; interpellation on related matters
subordinate offices or institutions
competitive relationship; rivalry
UN Food and Agriculture Organization (Organisation); FAO
related term; associated words
publicity arm or organ
mechanical doll; automaton; string puppet; marionette; (fig.) person who follows orders blindly
diplomatic institution
customs procedures (at the airport, etc.)
government agencies concerned with ...
locking doors; lock and key; vital point
heat engine; thermomotor
oden; dish of various ingredients, e.g. egg, daikon, potato, chikuwa, konnyaku, etc. stewed in soy-flavored dashi
relations with America; relationship with America
theory of functions
peep show; device with lens mounted on a stand or in a box to view enlarged pictures
plan for the invasion of the Soviet Far East in July 1941
wrestler newly promoted to ozeki rank
International Maritime Organization (Organisation); IMO
overcoming a difficulty; breaking through a barrier; clearing a hurdle
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; UNESCO
chief customs inspector
single-valued function
No Unauthorized Persons; No Unauthorized Entry; Authorized Personnel Only
affected party; party concerned
gushing forth; bursting out; (lit.) like breaking a dam
grand champion filling the rank of champion to keep their number at 2
Kasumigaseki Station (Tokyo)
freight locomotive; goods engine
associative relationship; federated relationship; paradigmatic relation
good neighborly relations; good neighbourly relations
relationship of being natural enemies
Battle of Sekigahara (1600)
Seki Station (Mie)
gut-brain connection; gut-brain axis
local administrative organ; local government
hot-bulb or semi-diesel engine
relations between Taiwan and China
real-valued function; real function
ozeki-ranked wrestler in danger of losing his rank
artificial hip; hip prosthesis
market research organization; market research organisation
built-in function (e.g. in programming language)
short interval of leisure; short break or breather; lull
to break a dam; to burst out
self-governing body; self-governing organ
rheumatoid arthritis; arthritis rheumatica
related laws and regulations
jointed appendage; arthropod leg
no concern of mine; nothing to do with me
correlation coefficient
in spite of; regardless of
in spite of; regardless of
matter of concern and interest
oden; dish of various ingredients, e.g. egg, daikon, potato, chikuwa, konnyaku, etc. stewed in soy-flavored dashi
peep show; device with lens mounted on a stand or in a box to view enlarged pictures
customs procedures (at the airport, etc.)
built-in function (e.g. in programming language)
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995); GATT
(high) tariff protection; tariff jumping
international aid organization (organisation)
difference engine
preferential tariff; preferential duty
implicit function
irrational function
grievance machinery; complaints department
differential duties; selective taxation
voting body; caucus
family of functions
seat of an engine
real variable function
propositional (sentential) function
World Meteorological Organization (Organisation); WMO
World Intellectual Property Organization (Organisation); WIPO
disintermediation; removing money from banks; seeking non-bank funds sources
former ozeki-ranked wrestler returning to that rank
physically exceptional wrestler promoted straight to champion rank during Edo period
demotion from ōzeki ranking
strongly correlated electron system
interindustry relations table; input-output table
circular function; trigonometric function
inverse trigonometric function; cyclometric function
general preferential duties; general preferential taxes
saving function; savings function
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995); GATT
financial institution
relative pronoun
relative adverb
Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs (2003)
relational management
graphic display
certification authority
part-whole relation; partitive relation
statement function
transformational function
generating function
aid agency; rescue organization; organization to monitor human rights
organization to monitor human rights
connected person; related parties
Imperial Rescript on Education (1890)
Imperial Rescript on Education (1890)
sex establishment (as regulated by a specific Japanese law)
policy-related; policy based; policy relevant
eighteen centers of Buddhist learning (of the Pure Land sect in the Kanto region)
type of fast military boat used from the Warring states period until the Edo period
puppet powered by (falling) water; water-powered contrivance; show using such a device (in Edo-period Osaka)
multiple correlation coefficient
locomotive theory (of economic development)
Public Corporation and Government Enterprise Labor Relations Law (1949)
product-moment correlation coefficient
articular cavity; cavum articulare
degree of association; relevance ratio
supervising body; supervisory authorities
distribution function
consultative body; advisory committee; advisory organ; advisory body
explicit function
customer relationship management; CRM
multivalued function; multiple-valued function
monotone function; monotonic function
civil inattention; civil indifference
relation algebra; relational algebra
government-backed institution; government sponsored enterprise; GSE
identity function; identity operator
periarthritis scapulohumeralis; shoulder periarthritis; Duplay's disease
genome-wide association study; GWAS
cross-strait relations; relations between mainland China and Taiwan
Rouleina watasei (type of slickhead fish)
Rouleina watasei (type of slickhead fish)
Examples (200 in total)
Everything is connected.
That has nothing to do with me.
What he says has nothing to do with this problem.