stuffing; packing; end (esp. the foot of a bridge); lowest-ranking guest at tea ceremony; tea master; endgame (esp. in shogi or used figuratively); sweet eel sauce
to sleep (lying down); to go to bed; to lie in bed; to lie down; to sleep (with someone, i.e. have intercourse); to lie flat (e.g. of hair); to lie idle (of funds, stock, etc.)
assumption; supposition; hypothesis
minimum; at the very least
carrying in (esp. heavy objects, artwork, furniture); bringing in; taking in
how long; how far; how much
grandfather (may be used after name as honorific); male senior-citizen (may be used after name as honorific)
division of labour; division of labor; splitting into groups (e.g. to search)
January; first month of the lunar calendar
to speak one's mind; to be frank; to tell the truth
(outward) appearance; (proper) format (e.g. of an essay); form; appearances; decency; lip-service
crisp (e.g. potato chip, fried fish, etc.); crunchy; grumpily; touchily; scratching
to cross over; to go across; to extend; to cover; to range
selection (esp. from many people for an important job position); exceptional promotion
to increase in value; to gain prestige
lover; sweetheart; boyfriend; girlfriend
to employ; to hire; to charter
to begin to open; to come out; to smile broadly; to come apart at the seams (clothes)
to brace oneself; to focus one's energies; to focus one's mind
superior; boss; them (as opposed to "us"); person above; upstairs neighbour (neighbor)
investment; contribution; financing
that's a different matter; that's a different story
(good) result; outcome; fruits (of one's labors); product; accomplishment
blood relationship; consanguinity; blood relative
godparents; foster parents
chafing; grinding (e.g. teeth); binding tightly; pulling tight (e.g. a bow); rotating quickly; hurting sharply
to distribute; to hand out; to deliver; to allot; to allocate; to place (staff, soldiers, etc.)
high rating; good reputation
bursting out (laughter); breaking out (applause); in a rush; in a surge; suddenly; all of a sudden
to grow weak; to become weak; to lose strength
to squat; to crouch down (completely, generally with face looking through knees)
thank you for your hard work; good work; see you; goodbye; goodnight
an extra effort; going the extra mile; one final push
cart (esp. a food cart); stall; festival float; portable shrine dedicated to a god and shaped like a house; stage prop fashioned after a large building; framework (of a house, etc.)
peculiarity; uniqueness; characteristic
to begin to say; to start talking; to broach (a matter); to be the first to say; to suggest (doing); to propose
sticking (in one place, position, etc.); settling; becoming established (of a custom, system, etc.); taking hold; fixation (photography); fixing
to feel hungry; to get hungry