1. thought
2. imagination; mind; heart
3. desire; wish; hope; expectation
4. love; affection
e.g. A思いのB for 'B who loves A'
5. feelings; emotion; sentiment; experience
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Used in vocabulary (94 in total)
to one's heart's content; as much as one wants; as hard as one can; resolution; decisiveness; determination
to recall; to remember; to recollect
to give up all thoughts of; to abandon; to despair of; to make up one's mind; to take a momentous decision
to think of; to hit upon; to come into one's mind; to remember; to recall
memories; recollections; reminiscence
unexpected; contrary to expectations; by chance; casual
to recall; to remember; to recollect
contrary to expectations; or so we thought, but ...
just as (each) one likes; as (each) one pleases; as (each) one prefers; (each) in one's own way
to sympathize with; to sympathise with; to think of (a far-off person, place, etc.); to cast one's mind to; to worry about; to feel anxious about
unexpectedly; surprisingly
to feel as though ...
to be convinced (that); to be under the impression (that); to make up one's mind; to set one's heart on; to be obsessed (with a thought, idea, etc.); to think about obsessively
to one's heart's content; as much as one wants; as hard as one can; resolution; decisiveness; determination
to realize; to realise
with all one's strength; with all one's heart; resignation; resolution
unexpected; unforeseen; inconceivable
consideration; thoughtfulness; sympathy; compassion; feeling; kindness
reverie; meditation; anxiety; thought; pensiveness
to suddenly understand (esp. on basis of experience or memory); to come to mind; to recall (in a flash); to be reminded of; to call to mind; to think of
to think hard; to brood over; to worry too much (about); to torment oneself (with the thought of)
to show one's affection; to express one's love
to think too much of; to make too much of
unrequited love; one-sided love
unexpectedly; surprisingly
consideration for others; thinking about others
to be reminded of; to call to mind
to re-think; to think back upon; to change one's mind
to give up (a plan or idea); to desist from (doing)
misunderstanding; misapprehension; false impression; to be mistaken; to have the wrong idea
to consider (all the circumstances); to bear (a number of things) in mind
to imagine; to picture; to figure; to see
to set one's mind on doing; to get the idea of doing; to make up one's mind
as one expects; as one wants; to one's satisfaction; as one sees fit
idea; plan; fancy; impulse; thought; whim
emotional attachment; attitude (expressing emotion); meditative pose (e.g. an actor); posing for effect
mutual love
to be conceited
unexpected; contrary to expectations; unforeseen
to occur to; to remind of; to come to mind
to worry about; to be worried about; to fret about; to not know what to do; to be at a loss (as to what to do)
to think constantly about; to dwell on
to have all the fun; to get the better part of the deal; to get the easy life
to be worried about; to be concerned about
to think over; to ponder; to ruminate; to reflect
to contemplate; to ponder; to think over; to reflect; to muse; to ruminate
to make up one's mind; to be determined
apt to think; tend to think
to be at a loss
to find oneself fearful; to have an awful time
to anticipate; to expect
it may be my imagination, but ...; I may be imagining things, but ...
to realize; to realise; to hit upon something
to make someone realize (e.g. their mistake); to bring (something) home to someone; to teach someone a lesson
to re-think; to think back upon; to change one's mind
wrong impression; subjective impression; assumption; prejudice
to recall; to remember
to think about; to send one's heart out to; to give more than a passing thought to; to think of something far away; to think nostalgically upon (esp. one's hometown)
to give one's heart to; to fall in love; to turn one's mind towards; to think of
conceit; hubris; vanity; presumption
to feel uncomfortable; to be offended; to have a bad time
groundless fear; thinking too much; making too much of
to contemplate; to ponder; to think over; to turn over in one's mind; to reflect; to muse
to make someone realize (e.g. their mistake); to bring (something) home to someone; to teach someone a lesson
one's whole heart; everything one feels
laughing while reminiscing
heartbroken thoughts; heartrending grief; overwhelming sorrow
to love one another
to offend someone; to give offence; to hurt someone's feelings
devotion to one's family; fondness for one's family
to not know how to act or what to do; to be at a loss
to worry about; to be vexed
to achieve one's desire
to ponder; to contemplate
to hit upon something
love or affection for one's parents
to think of; to give one's thought to
to be convinced (that); to be under the impression (that); to assume
to reflect carefully
to be lost in thought; to be immersed in reverie
to think something over and over; to rack one's brains; to be at a loss
to be unable to make up one's mind; to be undecided
worrying about one's master's affairs; one who so worries
to recall; to hit upon...; to occur to (one); to feel the call of ...
to get one's revenge
to be worried about
as one pleases; to one's heart's content
resolutely; boldly; decisively; daringly
longing for loved ones
to ponder; to recall
you can do anything if you set your mind to; (lit.) even an ant's thoughts reach the heavens
Examples (19 in total)
I was feeling guilty.
That's a hair-raising thought.
I never thought that day would come.