1. layman (esp. as opposed to a Buddhist monk); laity; man of the world; the world
2. local manners; modern customs
Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
3. common; popular
4. vulgar; low
Kanji used
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (84 in total)
manners; customs; sex service; sex industry; sex-oriented entertainment
worldly-minded person; materialist; uncultured person; philistine; vulgar person; snob
vulgar; lowbrow; coarse
wordly things; common customs; the world; the (common) people; secularity
this world; earthly life
folk customs; folkways; ethnic customs
vulgar; in poor taste; cheap; low-brow
person with low tastes; uncultured person; worldly person; ordinary person (who has not entered the priesthood); layperson; layman
popular; common
common name; popular name
mediocrity; the masses; ordinary run of men
common saying; popular version; folklore; tradition
colloquialism; colloquial language; slang
worldliness; vulgarity; coarseness
this world; earthly world; secular society; ordinary world; everyday life; workaday world
local customs
as slang; commonly
populace; common run of men; worldly customs
people; crowd; masses; the public
folk belief
popular learning; worldly study
worldly affairs; everyday affairs; common cares; routine work; daily chores
popular opinion
common name; popular name; secular name; bad reputation
commonplace; ordinary; trite; informal and easy to understand (of writing, etc.)
priests and laymen
vulgarity; worldliness
unworldliness; saintliness
vulgarity; worldliness; worldly ambition
vulgarity; worldliness; worldly ambition
worldly-mindedness; worldly affairs
monks and laity
the world; earthly affairs
colloquial language
common talk; worldly conversation
Folk Shinto (term used by Reform Shintoists to refer to sects of syncretized Shinto)
small talk; gossip; spoken language; colloquial expression
popular appeal
popular literature
appearance of the laity; unrefined appearance; vulgar style
cheap fiction
popular belief or saying
refined and vulgar; classical and colloquial
everyday affairs; mundane matters; popular usage
worldly connection
popular picture
worldly wisdom; practical wisdom
worldly priest
living as a layperson; not entering the priesthood; layperson
informal variant of a Chinese character; popular form of a Chinese character
secular surname (of a priest)
secular surname (of a priest)
worldliness; worldly ambition; unholy desires
(piece of) writing in colloquial style; vulgar writing
popular music; common people's music (as opposed to court music)
popular music; vulgar music
strange custom; quaint custom
the masses; ordinary people
worldlings; the crowd
popular opinion
mediocre scholar
worldly troubles; worldliness
American English colloquialism; American slang
colloquial language style; everyday language style
appealing to the public; popular
sexual culture; sexual mores
a fine custom
resistance to convention
popular opinion
the masses; the people; populace
village customs
unrefined penmanship
local customs
modern koto (in contrast to the gagaku koto or gakuso); modern koto music
modern koto (in contrast to the gagaku koto or gakuso); modern koto music
vulgarization; refined thing becoming vulgar
barbaric custom; barbarian custom