contacting; (making) contact; connection (with a train, bus, etc.); joining (a railway line, etc.); connection (between matters, incidents, etc.); relation
death; mortality; to die; to pass away
three times; thrice; third (musical interval); many times; over and over again
to tell (somebody) to (do something)
alternation; change; relief; relay; shift; substitution (sports, etc.)
on the contrary; far from it; if anything; in fact; instead
on the contrary; rather; all the more; instead
hostility; antagonism; opposition
frequency (of occurrence)
worthless; pointless; useless
near oneself; close to one; familiar
young; youthful; immature; green; low (number); small
shaking; trembling; pitching; disturbance; unrest; agitation
how many months?; how long?
twelve; 12; queen (playing card)
to appear; to come in sight; to become visible; to be expressed (e.g. emotions); to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects)
early (days); initial stage; initial
decrease; reduction; decline
disappearance; vanishing; loss; dying away; wearing off
mundane; routine; everyday; unremarkable; common; day-to-day
brilliance; luster; lustre; vividness; life
to chip; to nick; to break; to lack
will; desire; ambition; urge (e.g. creative urge)
(powers of) concentration; ability to concentrate
to be lost (e.g. luggage); to be missing; to be used up; to be run out; to disappear (e.g. pain); to be lost (e.g. a dream, confidence)
running continuously; firing in rapid succession
clear; obvious; evident; bright; light
depression; low spirits; luxuriant (of vegetation)
business; task; use; purpose; for the use of ...; used for ...
to manufacture; to produce; to raise (crops); to invent; to dream up; to create
failure; defective article; dead loss; good-for-nothing; worthless person; flop
sense; sensation; feeling; intuition
to spit out; to eject; to dump
to tell (somebody) to (do something)