everyone; everybody; all; everything; all
in contrast to (one's, its) appearance
good thing; nice thing; good excuse; good grounds; interjection used to impress an idea or to urge a response
good humour (humor); good mood
to carry on one's shoulder; to shoulder; to bear; to bear (burden, responsibility, etc.); to take upon oneself
(one's) older brother; lad; sonny
terrible; dreadful; amazing (e.g. of strength); great (e.g. of skills); to a great extent; vast (in numbers)
attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat
most; highest; maximum; best; wonderful; finest
disaster; accident; shipwreck; distress
skillful; skilful; delicious; appetizing; fortunate; splendid
after that; afterwards; thereafter
light (i.e. not heavy); feeling light (i.e. offering little resistance, moving easily); light (i.e. of foot); effortless; non-serious; minor; slight
to let (someone) hear; to tell (e.g. a story); to make (someone) listen; to make (someone) understand; to grip (someone) with skilful singing, storytelling, etc.; to hold (someone) enchanted by
go that far; to that extent
to resemble; to look like; to be like; to be alike; to be similar; to take after
still; as yet; (not) yet; more; (more) still; at least
to live (of humans); to reside; to inhabit; to dwell; to abide
single; simple; singles (tennis, badminton, etc.); win bet (bet which predicts the winner of a race)
together with; as X, then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.)
firing (esp. a rocket or missile); launching; shooting; ejaculation
counter for parts, stages, installments, etc. (of a story, series, project, campaign, etc.); counter for bullets
house; residence; family; household; lineage; family name
underground; below the ground; world of the dead; the grave; underground (activities, movement, etc.); secret
to make; to produce; to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol); to raise; to grow; to till
shooting range; firing range
menu; schedule; program; (computer) menu
to digest; to break down; to break to pieces; to be able to use; to be good at; to finish; to complete
to assail the nostrils (smell); to go nose-to-nose (with someone)
to get used to; to grow accustomed to; to become skilled in; to become experienced at; to become tame; to become domesticated
shutting tightly; making airtight; sealing hermetically
(place of) refuge; escape; exit; way out; shelter; hiding place
to lose (something); to mislay; to get rid of; to eliminate; to remove
noisy; loud; annoying; troublesome; fussy; finicky
many items; pressure of business
successive; consecutive; back-to-back; one after another