protuberance; projection; prominence; bump; boss; process
to screw in; to thrust into; to push into; to protest (and seek rectification); to complain
impossible; unlikely; improbable
great; grand; magnificent; outstanding; mighty
hard lump under the skin (e.g. adipous tumor, lymph node tumor, etc.); grinding against; pressing or rubbing with turning movements (e.g. someone's shoulders with one's elbow); rolling one's eyes; goggling one's eyes; rattling sound
as you see; as you can see
to bawl; to cry; to scream
enjoyable; fun; pleasant; happy; delightful
making a strange face; strange face
wow!; oh!; yeah!; alright!; waah!; boohoo!
knowing; (an) acquaintance
that is so; that is right; it looks to me; people say that; it is said that; I hear that
to get drunk; to become intoxicated; to feel sick (e.g. in a vehicle); to become nauseated; to be elated; to be exalted
men and women; man and woman; both sexes; both genders
distant (from someone); aloof; estranged; knowing little (of); ill-informed (about); ignorant (of)
no!; no no!; no, not at all
nature (of a person); sex; gender; sex (i.e. sexual attraction, activity, etc.); gender; -ty
sprouting; budding; crush (esp. on an imaginary character in manga, etc.); fascination; infatuation
to prick; to stab; to poke; to prod; to use (a cane); to prop oneself up with
captive; prisoner; victim (of love, etc.); slave (to one's lust, etc.)
real hair; one's own hair
another; one more; not quite; not very good; lacking
to bring; to take (something) along; to fetch; to get
to pin down; to hold down; to cover (esp. a part of one's body with one's hand); to clutch (a body part in pain); to get a hold of; to obtain
to stab; to stick; to pierce; to thrust
to stop up; to close up; to stand in the way; to obstruct; to occupy; to fill up
gurgling down; being sucked into; caving in suddenly
last (on the list); (at the) bottom; (in) last position; tailender
to be befuddled (with drink); to be intoxicated; to be infatuated; to be entranced; to be carried away
to do (indicating contempt for other person's actions)
centre line; center line; central line
one long cylindrical thing; one film, TV show, etc.; one version; one book; a certain book; ippon; one point
triumphant; exultant; in high and proud spirits