to (take out and) show; to demonstrate; to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.); to indicate; to show
to smell; to smell of; to have a smell
refreshing (e.g. feeling, scene, wind, morning air); brisk; bracing; fresh; refreshed
aroma; fragrance; scent; smell
abundant; plentiful; rich; wealthy; open (mind); relaxed
scenery; scene; landscape; scene (e.g. of a crime)
to come to mind; to pop into one's head
certain; sure; doubtless; I have no doubt; You can depend on it; It's a safe bet
sure; certain; reliable; trustworthy; If I'm not mistaken; If I remember correctly
ear; hearing; edge; crust; selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics); selvage
painful; sore; cringy; embarrassing; exceeding
tinnitus; ringing in the ears
to speak; to hear a voice
cruel; heartless; violent; intense; very bad; terrible
to fail to hear something; to miss; to act as if one didn't hear something; to let a remark slide
surroundings; environs; circumference
to change; to be transformed; to move to; to be different; to be uncommon
older brother and younger sister
(walk) briskly; at a brisk pace; quickly
spirit; mind; nature; disposition; motivation; intention
speech; words; one's lines; remarks
spirit; drive; vigour; ambition; aspiration
have to (verb); must (verb); is indispensable; absolutely necessary
downheartedly; dejectedly; dispiritedly; despondently
don't worry; there's no need to worry
lack of sleep; insufficient sleep
very interesting; of great interest
recommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement
person; -er; (arch.) expert; (arch.) geisha; (arch.) prostitute
(what) one is trying to say; (what) one wants to say; (what) one is saying; (what) one means
go that far; to that extent
to one's heart's content; as much as one wants; as hard as one can; resolution; decisiveness; determination
prejudice; bias; distorted view
follow; following (on social media, esp. Twitter); follow-up; following up; backing-up; covering for; follow-up shot
clipping (of newspaper article, etc.); cutting; scrap (for a scrapbook); cut-out (picture, coloured paper, etc.)
dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris); squealer; rat; loser; asshole; counterfeit
cat (esp. the domestic cat, Felis catus); shamisen; geisha; wheelbarrow; clay bed-warmer; bottom; submissive partner of a homosexual relationship
gesture; movement; action; acting; performance
to refer to; to use as reference
clique; group; (political) faction; wing; school; sect