quickly; calmly; intently
to make a phone call; to answer the phone
difficult to ...; hard to ...
clear; obvious; evident; bright; light
estrangement; neglect; alienation; casting out; ostracism; giving the cold shoulder
to untie; to unfasten; to unsew; to unstitch; to solve; to work out; to dispel (misunderstanding, etc.)
to come untied; to come apart; to be softened; to be relaxed
no matter how much time passes
to seal (letter); to prevent; to forbid; to block
qualifications; requirements; capabilities
alright; all right; right on; looking good; OK; okay
thinking; thought; idea; notion; intention; plan
to subsist; to keep on living
innocent; cherubic; childlike
to float; to be suspended; to rise to the surface; to appear; to come to mind; to have inspiration
to breathe out; to breathe; to tell (a lie); to use (foul language); to vomit; to throw up
rash; thoughtless; careless; hasty; imprudent
to be irritated; to get annoyed; to lose one's patience
to listen carefully; to strain one's ears
living room (Western style); sitting room
to make a sound; to give off a sound; to hear a sound
halving; dividing (into two parts); bisection; the two equinoxes (vernal and autumnal)
seven tenths; seventy percent; seven hundreds; seven percent
stillness; silence; hush; calm; serenity
skin; body (in the context of intimate bodily contact); surface; grain (e.g. of wood); disposition; temperament
to stick into; to pierce; to run into
dial (e.g. telephone, radio, clock, gauge)
suddenly; all of a sudden; quickly; emphatically; energetically
rough; wild; rude; harsh; gruff; violent
to kick; to refuse; to reject; to stamp (on the ground); to firmly press one's feet (against something)
to shout (in anger); to yell
hire (charge); rent; charge; fare; fee; freight
don't worry; no worries; never mind
to rebound; to recoil; to splash; to have a repercussion; to have a reciprocal effect
convulsion; cramp; spasm; tic; twitch; fit
exhausted; tired; withered; worn out; boiling until shapeless or mushy; tediously
to meet (someone of higher status); (arch.) to be recognized (esp. by someone of higher status); (arch.) to be visible; (arch.) to be seen
(with a) slamming noise (door, telephone receiver); (with a) banging noise; (with a) clash (broken dish); (with a) clank; (with a) bang
to abuse (verbally); to curse at; to shout abuse at; to speak ill of