every day; daily; day after day; days (e.g. good old days)
going side-by-side; going abreast; running concurrently; occurring at the same time; keeping pace with
as (i.e. in the role of); for (i.e. from the viewpoint of); apart from... (used to change the topic); even (e.g. "not even a single person"); thinking that...; trying to...
cultivation; refinement; culture; education
control; management (e.g. of a business)
territory; dominion; grounds (e.g. school)
to take on; to undertake; to take over; to inherit; to guarantee; to vouch for
learning; acquisition (of a skill, knowledge, etc.)
valuation; appraisal; evaluation; appreciation; recognition; acknowledgement
to come out; to fall out; to fade; to discolour; to wear a hole (e.g. clothes); to leave (e.g. a meeting); to be clear
to catch up (with); to draw level; to pull even; to be compensated; to make up for one's losses
time; hour; period; class
to pass through; to pass by; to pass (of time); to elapse; to have expired; to have ended; to exceed
joy; delight; rapture; pleasure; gratification; rejoicing
moment; brief space of time
to read and understand; to take in; to sense from external cues; to read (someone's) mind; to read (calibration, tape, etc.); to scan (bar code)
contents; content; substance; matter; detail; import
cold (to the touch); chilly; icy; (emotionally) cold; coldhearted; unfeeling
because; the reason is; if you want to know why
near; close; close (in time); soon; close (relationship); friendly
place; situation; position; location
important person; influential figure; big shot; big thing; big one; big game
something like ...; something called ...
oneself; oneself; for oneself; personally
to doubt; to distrust; to be suspicious of; to suspect
(one's) whereabouts; destination; where one is headed; outcome; course (of events); future
to be dazzled by; to be dizzied by; to be lost in (greed, lust, etc.); (arch.) to become dark
outward appearance; ostensible; public; official
high; tall; expensive; high-priced; high (level); above average (in degree, quality, etc.)
(social) position; status
to hold (in one's hand); to take; to possess; to have; to maintain; to keep; to last
companion; partner; other party; addressee; opponent (sports, etc.)
poor-quality; shoddy; unskillful; inexpert; unlucky
ability; competency; talent; skill; capacity
oracle; revelation; divine message
to catch; to capture; to grasp (e.g. meaning); to perceive; to captivate; to move (one's heart)
to collect; to assemble; to gather
this way; this direction; here; this (one); I; me
encirclement; encircling net; tight besiegement
breaking through; breakthrough; surmounting; overcoming; exceeding; passing
diversion (action meant to attract attention away from the real objective); feint