change; variation; variety; diversity; inflection; declension
regular; usual; favourite; favorite; preferred; accustomed
beauty parlour; beauty parlor; beauty salon; hairdressing salon
closing up shop (for the day); stopping business; going out of business
next (to); adjoining; adjacent; house next door; neighbouring house; next-door neighbour
cat (esp. the domestic cat, Felis catus); shamisen; geisha; wheelbarrow; clay bed-warmer; bottom; submissive partner of a homosexual relationship
senility; senile decay; infirmity (through age)
suspension of water supply; water outage
small; little; tiny; insignificant; humble; modest
incident; affair; happening; event
shaking; trembling; pitching; disturbance; unrest; agitation
nerve; nerves; sensitivity
to throw into disorder; to disarrange; to disturb (order, peace, etc.); to corrupt (public morals); to dishevel (hair)
immediately; at once; soon; before long; easily; readily
thereupon; shortly thereafter
to run into; to rush into; to (run and) seek refuge in; to take shelter in
even though; despite; when
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
two persons; two people; pair; couple
married couple; husband and wife; man and wife; his and hers; pair of objects, one larger (for man), one smaller (for woman)
something like ...; something called ...
understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy
something; some; somehow; for some reason; (is there) something (you want, etc.)
mystery; something inexplicable; unfathomable (of a Buddha's abilities); 10^64 (or 10^80)
gas; vapour; vapor; gaseous body
contour; outline; summary; outline; looks; features
triangle; triangular shape
fresco (technique of blending wet plaster with water-based paint); (laboratory) flask
to be able to tell apart; to distinguish; to recognize
fleeting; transient; short-lived; empty (dream, etc.); mere (hope); faint (possibility)
to stab; to thrust (into); to plant (in the ground); to stick upright
to hear; to listen (e.g. to music); to ask; to enquire; to hear about; to hear of; to follow (advice, order, etc.)
to pass through; to pass by; to pass (of time); to elapse; to have expired; to have ended; to exceed
cooking; cookery; cuisine; dealing with something; handling; administration
to complain; to lodge a complaint
point; tip; head (of a line); front; first; before; (the way) ahead
half-cooked; half-done; soft-boiled; half-ripe; unripe
eggs; egg; (hen's) egg; (an expert) in the making; beginning; origin
yellow; high-pitched (voice); shrill
dripping; trickling; drop by drop; in drops
to fall down; to drop; to be omitted; to be missing; to decrease; to sink; to fail (e.g. exam or class)
cutting in round slices; round slice; dividing into groups (e.g. by ability)