to recognize; to recognise; to deem; to judge; to approve; to deem acceptable; to admit
even if; even though; even; too; whether ... or ...; no matter (what, where, who, etc.)
stuffed toy; stuffed animal; plush toy; soft toy; cuddly toy
aroma; fragrance; scent; smell
accepted; fully-fledged; clear; respectable
girl; daughter; baby girl; young woman
payback; tit for tat; retaliation; doing over again; redoing
miserable; wretched; unhappy; sad; pitiable
laugh; laughter; smile; sneer; sex aids (e.g. dildos, pornographic books, erotic woodblock prints, etc.)
to be unable to let pass unnoticed; to be unable to be indifferent; to be unable to just watch (without doing anything)
getting carried away; going too far; overdoing
to pass through; to pass by; to pass (of time); to elapse; to have expired; to have ended; to exceed
textbook; coursebook; schoolbook
to teach; to instruct; to tell; to inform; to preach
study group; study meeting
straight; quickly; quietly; gently; to feel refreshed; to feel satisfied
to become possible; to become able to (do)
heh heh heh; tee-hee; giggle
perfunctory; half-minded; sloppy; lazy; careless; noncommittal
nevertheless; at any rate; even so; all things considered; be that as it may
to be able to manage somehow or another
our gracious (e.g. Queen); honorific that attaches to name of a person or thing that has bestowed grace or favour upon you
hot water; hot bath; hot spring; molten iron
sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unforeseen
to greet; to call out (to); to invite; to get in touch (with); to cheer (on); to give vocal support (to)
immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment's delay
to pin down; to knock down; to push (and hold) somebody down (esp. with sexual connotations)
to forget oneself; to lose control of oneself
wholeheartedly; with heart and soul; intently; with undivided attention; with intense concentration; single-mindedly
to covet; to crave; to lust insatiably for; to indulge in; to devour greedily
deep; profound; dense; thick; close (relationship); intense; strong
persistent; obstinate; tenacious; relentless; insistent; importunate
quite; entirely; completely; as if; as though; just like
to take away; to carry off
resistance; opposition; reluctance; repulsion; resistance; drag
dealing with; coping with
with a twitch (e.g. an eyebrow); with a dip; with a bob; with a flutter
outlet (for one's anger, etc.); place (to turn one's eyes, to vent one's dissatisfaction, etc.); place to put something; place to dispose of something
anger; rage; fury; wrath; indignation
few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom
apple (fruit); apple tree (Malus pumila)
intently; single-mindedly; devotedly; solely; earnestly; with all one's heart