to become dull; to become lifeless; to get bored; to lose interest; to lose value after a peak (e.g. stock); to weaken (of the market)
sensible; clever; smart; decent; tasteful
to be reminded of; to call to mind
to be exhausted; to be worn out
rather; better; instead; if anything
party (of people); set (of people); clan; family; fellow
summer vacation; summer holiday
to bring; to take; to bring about
exaltation; emotional uplift
after all is said and done; no matter what people say; in the end; definitely; undeniably
biggest; greatest; largest; maximum
longed-for; anxiously awaited
year; age; years; past one's prime; old age
to throw away; to cast away; to abandon; to desert; to give up; to resign
assertion; declaration; affirmation
exaggeration; overstatement; saying too much; misstatement; slip of the tongue; gaffe
calmness; composure; presence of mind; stability; steadiness
to lose (something); to mislay; to get rid of; to eliminate; to remove
little girl; maiden; young lady; female usually between 7 and 18 years old
preface; introduction; preamble
without; unacceptable; not alright; unsatisfactory
to send (a thing); to dispatch; to take or escort (a person somewhere); to see off (a person); to bid farewell (to the departed); to bury; to spend (time)
entering; setting (of the Sun); containing; content; income; beginning
curse; spell; malediction
letter; missive; note; mail
which way; which direction; which one (esp. of two alternatives); who
dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris); squealer; rat; loser; asshole; counterfeit
to drive away; to clear; to scatter; to disperse
episode; anecdote; vignette
to think constantly about; to dwell on
willpower; guts; determination; character; nature; disposition
looking; viewing; (please) try (to)
tenacity; persistence; obsession; implacability