one's post; one's station; department; bureau; section
ought to do; have to do; must do; feel obliged to
somewhere; anywhere; in some respects
to extract; to pull out; to draw out; to headhunt; to lure away; to poach
(one's) whereabouts; destination; where one is headed; outcome; course (of events); future
to become known; to come to light; to be known; to be understood; to clearly not amount to much; to be insignificant
battlefield; battleground
achievement; feat; meritorious deed; distinguished service
going out; outing; leaving (one's home, office, etc.)
room; chamber; apartment; flat; stable
to rove; to prowl; to go cruising
this and that; this or that; one thing or another; this way and that
to contemplate; to ponder; to think over; to turn over in one's mind; to reflect; to muse
(trend of) the times; current of the times; spirit of the age
to take into account; to bear in mind; to consider; to learn from; to take warning from
oneself (itself, etc.); I; me; you; by oneself (itself, etc.); interjection expressing anger or chagrin
profit; gains; benefit; advantage; grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.); blessing
pursuit (of a goal, ideal, etc.); search; chase; seeking after
song with lyrics about resentment and a sorrowful tune; resentful complaint
resentment; grudge; malice; matter for regret; regret
target; object (of worship, study, etc.); subject (of taxation, etc.)
public matter; governmental matter; prince; duke; lord; sir
king; ruler; tycoon; magnate; king (of the senior player)
military general skilled at strategy
self-proclaimed; self-professed; professing oneself to be; calling oneself; first person
where; which; anyway; anyhow; sooner or later; eventually
one's heart; one's mind; one's intentions
blade; sword; forged blade; wavy pattern on forged blades; sharpness; unhulled rice
thousands; several thousand
military forces; hosts; troops
east and west; Orient and Occident; East and West; ladies and gentlemen!; your attention, please!
small; little; slightly less than; just about; somewhat; somehow
competing; competition; auction
between-season wear; spring and autumn clothing; together; condition; situation; -ish
what I want to say is ...; the fact of the matter is ...; none other than ...
powerlessness; helplessness; incompetent
to get angry; to take offense; to take offence; to be furious
tune; tone; vein; mood; condition; state of health
after all; in the end; conclusion; end; end of a game of go, shogi, etc.
to walk about; to walk around; to walk to and fro; to pace around; to wander
to get tired; to tire; to become worn out (of a well-used object); (arch.) to starve