question (e.g. on a test); problem; problem (e.g. societal, political); question; question (i.e. doubt); public discussion
such; this sort of; like this
a little bit; a little while
unreliable; undependable; helpless; forlorn; worried; uneasy
seeming to be; appearing to be; like; similar to; in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that
minimum; minuscule; local minimum
minimum; lowest; minimal; least
super-; ultra-; extremely; really; over; more than
until then; till then; to that extent; the end of it; all there is to it
square measure; size (e.g. of land); area; surface
barely; narrowly; only just; with difficulty
as one would expect; naturally; indeed; still; all the same; after all
degree; amount; grade; standard; of the order of (following a number); about
have no choice; there is nothing but; no more than
somehow; for some reason; without knowing why
forcibly; against one's will
to learn; to acquire knowledge; to carry; to wear (clothes, etc.); to put on
already; now; no longer; not any more
to change; to swap; to change the object of one's interest or focus; to spend or take time; to infect; to permeate something with the smell or colour of something; to move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.)
to look away; to avert one's eyes
in this way; thus; such; uh...
how; in what way; how about; questionable
desperation; despair; self-abandonment
damn; damn it; feces; excrement; damn; damned; very
to approach; to draw near; to be imminent; to press (someone for something); to urge; to compel
terrible; dreadful; amazing (e.g. of strength); great (e.g. of skills); to a great extent; vast (in numbers)
to suit; to match; to become; to be like
I wonder; should I?; is it?; I wish that; I hope that
bitter smile; wry smile; strained laugh; sarcastic laugh
to have a cramp; to twitch; to stiffen (of a face, expression); to freeze; to shrink (of skin, due to a scar); to tauten
(a) step; one step; level; stage; small degree; small amount
step; stride; counter for steps
to come down; to go down; to hang; to dangle; to move back; to step back; to deteriorate
reddish tinge; tinge of red; slight redness; reddishness; blush
to shine; to be visible; to be tinged with; to rise (of water levels); to flow in; to be felt (i.e. as an emotion); to come over one
to begin to open; to come out; to smile broadly; to come apart at the seams (clothes)
to mutter; to murmur; to grumble; to tweet (Twitter)
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
instant; moment; for an instant
to catch; to capture; to grasp (e.g. meaning); to perceive; to captivate; to move (one's heart)
-ness; indicates assertion; come; come now
name; given name; first name
to call out (to); to call; to summon (a doctor, etc.); to invite; to designate; to name; to garner (support, etc.)
colour; color; complexion; skin colour; look (on one's face); expression; appearance