to struggle in the water; to sink below the surface and become unable to breathe; to (nearly) drown; to indulge in; to lose one's head over something; to be addicted
reason; logic; sense; natural way of things
in accordance with; following; roughly; about; Street; Avenue
moreover; furthermore; nevertheless; and yet
to grow long (e.g. hair, nails); to lengthen; to extend; to reach out; to hold out; to straighten; to smooth out
to thrust (something) into (something); to cram; to plunge into; to charge into; to delve into (a matter); to go into depth; to press (someone) about
hot (thing); passionate (feelings, etc.); ardent; hot (e.g. temper); zealous; enthusiastic; intense
approximately; about; to (about) the extent that; (almost) enough that; as ... as ...; like
temperature; body temperature (human, animal)
to feel; to sense; to experience
to cover; to bury (e.g. one's face in hands); to submerge; to fill (completely); to stuff; to pack
where ... is concerned; when it becomes; if it becomes
I'm sorry; my apologies; may I come in?; permission; leave; dismissal
(committee) chairman; president
disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
all one's power (strength, energy, efforts); one's utmost
exclusion; removal; rejection; elimination; abatement; lifting (sanctions, etc.)
to one's heart's content; as much as one wants; as hard as one can; resolution; decisiveness; determination
to thrust away; to send flying
Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; politeness marker
dive (e.g. into water); (underwater) diving; dive (of an aircraft)
to avoid (physical contact with); to avoid (situation); to ward off; to avert; to put aside; to move out of the way
to fall (over, down); to collapse; to be destroyed (in a collapse); to collapse; to be confined to bed (with an illness); to come down with; to die
two persons; two people; pair; couple
since some time ago; for some time; for quite a while
noisy; boisterous; turbulent (era, etc.); troubled
to turn up; to make an appearance; to put in an appearance; to drop by
detached building; solitary house; room detached from main house; separation from; loss of interest in; independence of
to go along; to walk along; to follow
specialized weapon or skill; specialised weapon or skill
spear; lance; javelin; lance; (arch.) jeering
tightly (holding on); firmly; strongly (built); solidly; properly; well
to carry in one's hand; to carry with one; to have on one's person; to take along (someone); to take (someone) with one; to be accompanied by
that is so; that is right; it looks to me; people say that; it is said that; I hear that
indicates emotion or admiration; indicates emphasis; I; me; wah!; boo!
really; truly; indeed; good grief
with trouble; at great pains; rare; valuable; kind; generous
rest; recess; vacation; holiday; dormancy (of a silkworm prior to moulting)
and yet; despite this; but even so; but even then; however; nevertheless