assistant; associate; duplicate; copy; adverb
to appoint; to nominate; to assume (responsibility); to pose as
with a twitch (e.g. an eyebrow); with a dip; with a bob; with a flutter
don't you think?; indicates question
recently; lately; these days; nearest; closest
to repeat; to be frequent
apprehensions; misgivings; uneasiness; anxiety; fear
purple smoke; tobacco smoke
I don't know about ... but; it may be possible for ... but
exhausting work; hard work; severe duty
to bear; to stand; to support; to withstand; to be fit for; to be equal to
document; official papers
to turn over; to turn pages of a book; to tear off; to strip off; to tear up
body; torso; trunk; build; physique; health
limit; limits; degree; extent; the end; the last; as long as ...
fatigue; weariness; exhaustion; tiredness
accumulation; accumulate; store
(one's) sleeping hours; hours of sleep
stamina; endurance; physical strength; strength of an organization (e.g. profitability, productivity, economic clout, stability, growth potential)
to join hands together; to join forces; to collaborate
to become misty; to become hazy
inscrutable; incomprehensible
care; looking after; trouble; bother; good offices; recommendation
control; management (e.g. of a business)
to go too far; to go to excess; to carry too far
housework; domestic chores; family affairs; household matters
general; universal; ordinary; average; (arch.) the same; (arch.) no different
guidance; leadership; instruction; shido (disciplinary action for a minor infringement of the rules of judo)
almost every day; almost daily
to associate with; to keep company with; to go out with; to go along with; to follow someone's lead; to accompany someone
to get tired; to tire; to become worn out (of a well-used object); (arch.) to starve
policy; course; plan (of action); magnetic needle
conversion; diversion; changeover; commutation; switchover
on the occasion of; circumstances; juncture
selection; choice; picking out
to fall (over, down); to collapse; to be destroyed (in a collapse); to collapse; to be confined to bed (with an illness); to come down with; to die
such; like that; that sort of; very
oh; ho; exclamation of surprise, admiration, etc.; hoo (owl call); toot (sound of a flute)
to miss; to overlook; to let pass (a matter); to overlook (e.g. a wrongdoing); to pass up (e.g. an opportunity); to let (a good ball) go by
to chase; to run after; to follow (a set order, a trend, etc.); to drive out; to get rid of; to drive (e.g. a herd)