to take a breath; to take a short rest
to shut one's eyes; to ignore; to pretend not to know; to die
to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves); to scatter; to be dispersed; to disappear; to dissolve; to spread
purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
family; members of a family
with a vroom; with a sudden shaking
to draw or pull something towards oneself (e.g. chair)
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
surname; family name; last name
regret; chagrin; mortification; freedom from obstructive thoughts
using one's arms as a pillow
yes; indeed; ha!; what?; huh?; sigh
comprehension; consent; understanding; OK; roger (on two-way radio)
to slip into; to crawl into (under); to conceal oneself (under); to sneak into; to infiltrate
left arm; left-handed (baseball pitcher)
pillow; bolster; introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story); lead-in
to lend; to loan; to rent out; to hire out
happy; glad; pleased; joyful; delightful; gratifying
sniff; sniff-sniff (esp. an animal); whining; whimpering
to put back; to return; to vomit; to throw up; to recover (of a market price)
anyhow; in any case; at any rate; at best; at most
probably isn't (doesn't, won't, etc.); don't (doesn't) intend to; intend not to; must not; (when used in an imperative sentence) don't
to tie up; to tie together; to hang (oneself); to summarize; to put (it all) together; to estimate; to expect
temperature; body temperature (human, animal)
scattering; diffusion; spread (e.g. signal across the spectrum)
flickering; flashing on and off; glaringly (bright); painfully (bright); prickling (pain)
morning; breakfast; (arch.) next morning
to contain; to comprise; to hold in the mouth; to bear in mind; to understand; to express (emotion, etc.)
nape of the neck; back of the neck; scruff of the neck
method; manner; appearance; air; tendency; folk song (genre of the Shi Jing)
to bend; to flutter; to wave; to yield to; to be swayed by; to bow to
sailfin sandfish (Arctoscopus japonicus); Japanese sandfish
to make a sound; to give off a sound; to hear a sound
slight; thin; on the weak side
to go into; to come into; to penetrate; to become complicated
to rock; to shake; to swing
day; days; sun; sunshine; (the) day; daytime; date
weather; the elements; fair weather; fine weather
to rise; to raise up; to straighten up; to sit up; to stand up