seiza; kneeling with the tops of the feet flat on the floor, and sitting on the soles
correspondence (to); equivalence; suitability; coordination; dealing with; coping with
unnatural; affected; studied; forced
cheap article; poor quality article
spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham
which (of three or more); well; now; c'mon
as expected; predictably; not surprisingly
independence of will or action; self-direction; autonomy; initiative; identity
relief; embossed carving; bringing to the fore; throwing something into relief
given that ... it is only natural that ...; ... being the case, it is unavoidable that ...; (precisely) because ...; contrary to expectations ...
(divine) punishment; curse; retribution
to consider carefully; to deliberate thoroughly; to think over
short temper; quick temper; hot temper; impatience; irritability
with great vigour; in leaps and bounds; (lit.) with the force of surging waves
tea (usu. green); tea break (at work); tea ceremony
to make (tea, coffee, etc.); to brew a beverage (with hot water)
shopping; purchased goods
I'm off; see you later; to go (and then come back)
absolutely; unconditionally; never (with neg. verb)
(stare or glare with) scornful eyes; reproachful eyes; disgusted eyes
something; some kind of; for some reason
great; excellent; very troublesome; awful; tiring; tough
excitement; stimulation; agitation; arousal
complexion; one's colour; one's color; countenance; expression; one's face
to open one's mouth (to talk); to (start to) tell
dull (e.g. a knife); blunt; thickheaded; obtuse; dull (sound, color, etc.); dim (light)
of uncertain meaning; ambiguous; cryptic; nonsensical; incomprehensible; perplexing
to bring; to take (something) along; to fetch; to get
obstacle; hindrance; impediment; nuisance; bore; burden
treatment; service; handling (of a machine, tool, etc.); operation; treating as; treating like
aah!; ooh!; oh no!; oh boy!
to hang up (e.g. a coat, a picture on the wall); to let hang; to put on (e.g. a blanket); to put on top of; to put on (glasses, etc.); to wear (a necklace, etc.); to make (a call)
aid; assistance; help; cheering; rooting (for); support