that; the matter in question
to notice; to recognize; to recognise; to become aware of; to perceive; to realize
to hate; to dislike; to loathe
but (still); and yet; nevertheless; even so; notwithstanding
as expected; sure enough; after all (is said and done); in the end; too; also
desire; want; will; wish; urge; craving
uncontainable; irrepressible; uncontrollable
reason; cause; circumstances
unthinkable; unexpected; absolutely not!; far from it!; (it was) no bother at all; not at all
to succeed (in doing); to pull something off; to manage (to do a job)
hiragana; cursive Japanese syllabary used primarily for native Japanese words (esp. function words, inflections, etc.)
one's own strength; one's own efforts; self-salvation
to memorize; to memorise; to learn; to pick up; to feel; to think
house; residence; family; household; lineage; family name
memorization; memorisation; learning by heart
young child; toddler; child over 1 but not yet of school age
characteristic (of); peculiar (to)
adaptability; capacity to adapt; ability to adjust
to be added to; to be appended; to join in (e.g. a group of friends); to participate; to increase (e.g. heat); to gain in (e.g. influence)
form; shape; figure; visage
learning; acquisition (of a skill, knowledge, etc.)
you said; he said; if ... then; do you seriously think that; I already told you; you should know by now that; the said ...
at that time; at that moment; then; on that occasion
is not; am not; are not; isn't it?
later; afterwards; future; after one's death; (arch.) descendant
invincible; unrivaled; unrivalled; matchless; unbeatable; undefeatable
to use up; to exhaust; to devote oneself (to); to do one's utmost (for); to do to exhaustion; to do completely
bookstore; bookshop; publisher; main building
reading while standing (in a bookstore, etc.); browsing (i.e. reading an item but not buying it)
day; days; sun; sunshine; (the) day; daytime; date
to take someone (to some place); to take someone along; to lead someone away
to cry; to weep; to sob; to howl
drumming (noise); beating; rapidly; quickly; continuously; one after the other
to be completely absorbed in; to fall for (something)
Sarukanigassen (folktale); The Monkey and the Crab
mind; heart; spirit; the meaning of a phrase (riddle, etc.)
to swing; to wield (physically); to exercise (e.g. power, ability); to exhibit; to flourish; to prosper