envious; jealous; enviable (position, etc.)
echo; reverberation; sound (esp. the distinctive sound of an object or activity, e.g. rain, gun, gallop, drum); noise; quality of a sound (e.g. a fine phrase, clear voice, resonant bell); feeling of a sound
to excite; to incite; to stimulate; to arouse; to tempt; to stir up
episode; anecdote; vignette
book; document; calligraphy (esp. Chinese); penmanship; handwriting; letter
no sooner than; as soon as; immediately after; at the thought of; when I think about
favorite; favourite; pet (e.g. teacher's pet); bookmark (in web browser)
turning point; critical juncture; knot (in a tree, etc.)
... being the case; (precisely) because ...; as might be expected from ...
last; final; end; conclusion; rust
will; probably; may; I think; surely; I hope
(nearly certain) death; extremely dangerous place (or situation) from which one might not return alive; proper place to die; dilemma; predicament
arrogance; insolence; disrespect
lie; fib; mistake; error; unwise move; bad decision
dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris); squealer; rat; loser; asshole; counterfeit
buzz; hum; shake (with vigor); shaking
to wag one's tail; to flatter; to butter up; to fawn (on)
very; considerably; by no means; not readily; middle; half-way point
point worthy of note; highlight; high point; good prospects for the future; promise
not limited to; not just ...
recommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement
light novel; young-adult illustrated fiction
to recommend (a book, someone for a position, etc.); to suggest
hum; hmm; hm hm (light chuckle with mouth closed); uh-huh; mm; hmm
(another's) daughter; young lady (of pampered upbringing); woman who has never known hardship; naive woman
yes; sure; gotcha; sycophantically; servilely; fawningly
poverty-stricken; destitute; poor; penurious
property; fortune; assets
influence; effect; to influence; to affect; to have an influence on
behaving in a way characteristic of teenagers going through puberty, esp. by being overly self-conscious; (lit.) 2nd year of junior high sickness
to fall into (e.g. a hole); to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.); to fall into (a trap, etc.); to fall; to surrender
exceedingly; extremely; decisively
anyhow; in any case; at any rate; at best; at most
to be peevish; to sulk; to pout
to blame; to reproach; to question (a suspect); to challenge; to aggravate (an injury); to be aggravated
very interesting; of great interest
very interesting; of absorbing interest; having a keen interest (in); being immensely curious (about)
look (in someone's eyes); expression (of the eyes); eyes
to stare at; to gaze at; to look hard at; to watch intently; to fix one's eyes on
impudent; brazen; shameless; bold
opposite; reverse; contrary