to fall forward (of a person); to tumble forward
mobile telephone; cellular telephone
to turn towards; to point
to strain (one's ears, eyes); to prick up (one's ears)
letter (of alphabet); character; writing
wonderful; marvelous; strange; strangely enough; oddly enough; for some reason
dull (e.g. of movement or reaction); sluggish
acquisition; obtaining; gaining possession; purchase
presentation (of documents); submission (of an application, report, etc.); production (e.g. of evidence); introduction (e.g. of a bill); filing; turning in
optional; voluntary; arbitrary; arbitrary
it doesn't matter what; anything is fine
by all means; at any cost; whether (one is) willing or not; willingly or unwillingly; on no account; by no means
possibly; by some possibility; perhaps
in that manner; like that
cannot be avoided (of a problem, etc.); unavoidable; inevitable
joint ownership; co-ownership; sharing (e.g. a viewpoint); sharing (files, devices on a network, posts on social media, etc.)
failed attempt (at a crime, suicide, etc.)
event; affair; incident; case; plot; trouble
strife; riot; (media) uproar; brouhaha; feud; tussle
to cross (legs or arms); to link (arms); to put together; to construct; to braid; to plait; to grapple
still more; even more; much more; increased; greater
to be noisy; to be astir; to rustle; to murmur
trouble; bother; annoyance; to be troubled (by); to be bothered (by); to be inconvenienced (by)
to stick; to paste; to stretch; to spread; to form (e.g. ice on a pond); to fill; to swell
once; for a short time; briefly; (arch.) one morning
to stop talking; to break off; to pause
towards; against; regarding; in contrast with
to applaud; to cheer (for)
to spread; to propagate; to popularize; to broaden; to extend; to widen
considerably; fairly; quite
vague; ambiguous; shady; disreputable; fuzzy
to fold one's arms; to link arms with someone
to glare at; to scowl at; to stare intensely at; to examine carefully; to estimate; to guess
to condemn; to blame; to urge; to press; to torture; to torment
opposition; rebellion; rebounding; recoiling; rally (e.g. in stock prices); recovery
audience; spectator; spectators
to order; to command; to appoint
to smoke; to smoulder; to be sooty; to be smoke-stained; to smoulder (e.g. a dispute); to smolder
positive; assertive; active; proactive; aggressive
back; reverse; rear side; height; stature; ridge (of a mountain)
being in shape; holding a dignified appearance