to see someone off (at a station, an airport, etc.); to escort (e.g. home); to follow something with one's eyes until it is out of sight; to let pass; to pass up (an opportunity etc.); to shelve (a plan, deliberation on a bill, etc.); to postpone
actually; really; truly; in practice; practically
precisely; exactly; plumb; damn; stupid; cursed
windfall; piece of good luck
to behave; to conduct oneself; to entertain; to treat someone (to a drink); to make tea for someone (tea ceremony)
clever; smart; sharp (ear, etc.); sensitive; discerning
to flap strongly; to stir up fiercely
mutually; with each other; reciprocally; together
to intercommunicate; to exchange (messages, vows, etc.)
immediately; right away; at once; instantly
question (e.g. on a test); problem; problem (e.g. societal, political); question; question (i.e. doubt); public discussion
to be put in order; to be put to rights; to be disposed of; to be solved; to be finished; to be married (off)
companions; friends; comrades; mates; partners
to pull up; to drag up; to increase; to raise (e.g. taxes); to withdraw; to leave; to promote (someone to a higher position)
announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known
to give a dinner party; to hold a banquet
to begin; to set about; to start
and; moreover; besides; as well as; and on top of that; at the same time
busy; occupied; hectic; restless; hurried; fidgety
another time; again; over again; formally; especially; intentionally
standing by; awaiting an opportunity; being on alert
eight-tenths; casting someone out; type of baggy tobi trousers with the baggy part taking up eight-tenths of the full length of the trouser leg
to look out on; to overlook; to face (a situation, crisis, etc.); to meet (e.g. death); to deal with (an issue); to attend (e.g. a function)
careful; cautious; prudent; discreet; deliberate
in advance; beforehand; previously
to persuade someone to accept the inevitable
anyway; either way; one way or the other; whichever; whatever
how; in what way; how (much); to what extent; however (much); no matter how
to make a great fuss; to raise a hue and cry; to make an uproar; to clamour
to be befuddled (with drink); to be intoxicated; to be infatuated; to be entranced; to be carried away
to rush on; to attack; to swoop down on
border patrol; border guard; border guards
singing at the top of one's voice
(many) mountains; very much (wanting to do something one cannot); greatly; so many; a lot of
sparse; thin; scattered; straggling; sporadic
to inhale; to breathe in; to suck up; to absorb; to soak up
to overcome (opposition); to push past; to force one's way; to press and cut
merrymaking; high jinks; drunken revelry; spree
to get dark; to grow dark; to end (of a day, year, season, etc.); to come to an end; to be sunk in (e.g. despair); to be lost in (e.g. thought)
songbird; bird with a beautiful song