sense of impending crisis; sense of danger
to pile up; to heap up; to stack up; to repeat many times over; to go through repeatedly; to accumulate
major earthquake; large earthquake
the mere shadow of one's former self; the ruin of what one once was
plan to overcome an obstacle or break out of a deadlock; breakthrough solution
while it may be true that; just because; nevertheless; not necessarily
research division; research club (e.g. at school, university)
chisel; burin; graver; gad; jumper
specialization; specialisation
one's appearance; clothing; costume; dress
indiscrimination; without discrimination; indiscriminate
sea of blood; pool of blood
to writhe; to squirm; to wriggle
to burn; to roast; to broil; to heat; to heat up; to make (charcoal, pottery, bricks, etc.); to bake
carbonization; carbonisation
collapse; break; cave-in; crash; (market) decline
to get lost; to lose one's bearings; to be puzzled; to be perplexed; to be tempted; to be seduced
bad-feeling; disagreeable; unpleasant; revolting; gross; disgusting
to crush to death; to stifle to death; to squeeze to death; to stifle (a laugh, etc.); to muffle (one's breathing); to subdue (one's voice)
guidance; leadership; instruction; shido (disciplinary action for a minor infringement of the rules of judo)
cruel; merciless; pitiless; tragic; horrible; terrible
pathetic; sad; sorrowful; grievous
abuse; misuse; perversion
bringing certain death; deadly; knockout (blow)
flipping a table over in anger; overturning a table in anger
dozens; scores of; decades
oh; ho; exclamation of surprise, admiration, etc.; hoo (owl call); toot (sound of a flute)
to continue; to last; to continue (without a break); to be unbroken; to occur again and again; to lead to; to connect to
physical law; laws of physics
tummy; tumtum; bang-bang; pop-pop; without reservation; unreservedly
magic; conjuring; sleight of hand; legerdemain
to make a mess; to perpetrate; to do; to finish up; to be guilty of
surprisingly; astonishingly; amazingly; alarmingly
occasionally; once in a while; seldom; casually; unexpectedly; accidentally
to be piled up; to lie on top of one another; to come one after another; to happen over and over; to overlap (each other); to occur at the same time
to make war (on); to wage war (against); to compete (against); to struggle (against adversities, etc.); to fight
to throw; to fling; to hurl; to neglect; to abandon; to leave alone
(out of) desperation; (as a) last resort; (driven by) pain