to furnish; to install; to get someone's agreement; to patronize; to buy usually from the same store
feeling; sensitivity; emotion
coercion; overpowering; to overpower; to overawe; to daunt
contour; outline; summary; outline; looks; features
to tear up; to tear off; to rip up; to separate (e.g. a couple); to disrupt (a relationship)
to get torn; to tear; to rip; to be broken off (of negotiations, etc.); to break down; to collapse
to run about trying to escape
to throw out; to drop; to toss; to abandon; to neglect; to dismiss
to open some distance (e.g. with other people)
side (of something, or taking someone's side); part; (watch) case
to jump in; to leap in; to plunge into; to burst in; to barge in
model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.); type; style; mold (mould); template; kata (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.)
generic; general purpose; all-purpose
model; dummy; model (profession); fashion model; model (of a vehicle, machine, etc.); version; model (e.g. mathematical)
A1; top class; best quality goods
go that far; to that extent
blockade; lockdown; sealing off (an area); freezing (funds)
jacket; book jacket; dust cover; CD jacket; record jacket
several; a number of; quantity; amount; counting; figures; number
roughly; approximately; round about; cursorily; briefly; quickly
ten; 10; ten years of age
towards (a destination); for the purpose of; with the goal of; targeting (a group, a demographic)
iron plate; steel plane; sure thing; certain winner
stand; rack; support; holder; counter for machines, incl. vehicles; setting (e.g. in jewellery); level (e.g. price level)
to be flurried; to be confused; to lose one's head
(arch.) office; (arch.) official; chief; head
search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation; inquiry; enquiry
to manage; to control; to supervise; to crack down on; to keep under strict control; to enforce
rescue squad; rescue party
(police) detective; criminal matter
companion; fellow; group; company; member of the same category (family, class)
disorder; chaos; confusion; mayhem
to be seething (with anger); to be frenzied; to be menacing; to be murderous
grown man; grown woman; grown-up person; sensible person