smallness; small item; short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days); elementary school; smaller (of two things, places, etc. with the same name); inferior; younger (of two people with the same name)
angle; square; cube; bishop; third degree (of the Japanese and Chinese pentatonic scale); Chinese "horn" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); jiao (monetary unit of China; one-tenth of a yuan)
cooperation; collaboration
mountain folk; hermit; mountain wizard; word used as part of a pseudonym by artists, writers, etc.
to deify; to enshrine; to pray; to worship
people; race; nation; ethnic group; ethnos
to shine; to be visible; to be tinged with; to rise (of water levels); to flow in; to be felt (i.e. as an emotion); to come over one
theory; doctrine; opinion; view; rumour; rumor
daimyo in the Warring States period
wide sense (e.g. of a word); broad sense
to consider as; to regard (as equivalent); to deem (as); to equate
player (of a sport); athlete; team member
absolute obedience; complete submission
important; momentous; essential; principal; major
already; now; no longer; not any more
and so on; and so forth; et cetera; comment; criticism
question (e.g. on a test); problem; problem (e.g. societal, political); question; question (i.e. doubt); public discussion
potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability
to think (about, of); to think over; to consider; to bear in mind; to think (that); to believe; to intend (to do)
unexpectedly; surprisingly; unexpected; unanticipated; unforeseen
seriousness; earnestness; truth; sanctity
position; situation; viewpoint; standpoint; point of view
character (of a person); personality; disposition; characteristics; nature (of a thing, event, etc.)
where; which; anyway; anyhow; sooner or later; eventually
and; or; and the like; and so forth; and what not
to put on a bold front; to act big; to be unyielding; to act formally; to act stiffly
to get tired; to tire; to become worn out (of a well-used object); (arch.) to starve
obedient; meek; docile; honest; frank; upfront (about one's feelings)
solitude; loneliness; isolation
willingly; voluntarily; on one's own accord
Mr.; Mrs.; makes a word more polite (usu. in fixed expressions); state; situation
to shine; to glitter; to be bright
to take (someone) by surprise; to do something unexpected
to hold one's tongue; to shut up
place; location; room; space; basho; wrestling tournament
wherein; therein; thereinto
to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in
to surpass; to outstrip; to excel
negative emotions; negative feelings
pupil; student; schoolchild
interval; period of time; among; between; good opportunity; chance
friend; companion; acquaintance; friendship; companionship