thoughtless; reckless; seldom; rare; ordinary; usual
to get off one's backside; to bestir oneself
bad person; villain; scoundrel; wrongdoer; wicked person
medicine; pharmaceuticals; efficacious chemical (gunpowder, pesticide, etc.); (pottery) glaze; (illegal) drug; narcotic
abundant; plentiful; rich; wealthy; open (mind); relaxed
hill; height; knoll; bonus points awarded to the winner at the end of a game
to earn (income); to make (money); to score (points, victory); to gain (time); to work hard (at one's job); to labor
royalty (payment); loyalty
something like ...; something called ...
vast; huge; immense; malva nut (Sterculia lychnophora)
now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which
to part (usu. of people); to part from; to separate (of a couple); to break up; to lose (e.g. one's mother); to be bereaved
wife; your wife; his wife; married lady; madam
consolation money; solatium; reparation; damages; settlement
to pay (e.g. money, bill); to brush off; to wipe away; to drive away (e.g. one's competitors); to sell off (something unneeded); to dispose of; to pay (e.g. attention)
particle indicating that the speaker is trying to recall some information
interest (on a loan, deposit, etc.)
to breathe out; to breathe; to tell (a lie); to use (foul language); to vomit; to throw up
(picture) frame; framed picture; amount (esp. of money); sum
to raise; to lift; to hang up; to raise prices (artificially, deliberately)
opposite side; other side; over there; that way; the other party; the other person
to be amazed; to be shocked; to be astonished; to be astounded; to be disgusted; to be exasperated
liked; well-liked; in love (with); loved; faddism; eccentricity
both; both sides; both parties
to spit out; to eject; to dump
pure heart; naivete; innocence
(way of) life; living; livelihood; life circumstances
misunderstanding; mistaken idea; wrong guess
scary; frightening; eerie; dreadful
to duck one's head; to pull in one's head; to duck down; to shrug one's shoulders
housework; domestic chores; family affairs; household matters
sex; sexual intercourse; (one's) sex; gender
counter for occurrences; a time; an instance; inning (baseball); round; episode; chapter
property; fortune; assets
to deliver; to forward; to send; to report; to notify; to file notice (to the authorities)