boorish; unsophisticated; unrefined; uncouth; tasteless; insensitive
direction; way; side (of an argument, etc.); one's part; type; category; field (of study, etc.)
(a) study (e.g. in music, art, sculpture, etc.); etude; practice piece
900; nine hundred; (arch.) fool; (arch.) idiot
eight (long cylindrical things)
than; from; out of; except; but; more
many; numerous; large amount of; large quantity of; frequent; common
to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that; to be the result (of); to be the outcome; to be the reason (for)
strict; close; precise; scrupulous
eleven; 11; jack (playing card); Hodgson's hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus fugax); Horsfield's hawk cuckoo
isn't it?; let's ...; why don't we ...; how about we ...
appearing ...; looking ...; way to ...; method of; form; style
to face (each other); to be facing; to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to receive (a client, etc.); to compare with
showing no concern at all; being not at all bothered; devil-may-care attitude
to wish to go well; to have good intentions
pointing out; identification
attitude; manner; behaviour; attitude (towards an issue, etc.); position; stance
too much; excessively; too
to get entangled; to get tangled; to have poor control over (one's tongue, feet, etc.); to trip over; to become complicated
bolt from the blue; unforeseen event; complete surprise
to abbreviate; to omit; to take; to capture
not less than; ... and over; beyond (e.g. one's expectations); above; above-mentioned; aforementioned
to recognize; to recognise; to deem; to judge; to approve; to deem acceptable; to admit
to get; to earn; to understand; to comprehend; to receive something undesirable (e.g. a punishment); to get (ill)
probably isn't (doesn't, won't, etc.); don't (doesn't) intend to; intend not to; must not; (when used in an imperative sentence) don't
collection; recovery; withdrawal; retrieval
two (long cylindrical things)
if it is the case that ...
let me see; well; errr ...; uhh ...
starting field which contains the November and/or December 20-point card
(not) ever; (not) by any means; (not) in the least; (not) in any way; (not) at all
solid; firm; stout; burly; strong; sturdy
hard; solid; stiff; tight; strong; firm (not viscous or easily moved); safe
blunt (e.g. sword); dull; lazy; cowardly; good for nothing
cutting in two with a single stroke; taking decisive action; dealing with decisively; cutting the (Gordian) knot