passage; pathway; roadway; avenue; aisle
awfully; frightfully; desperately; violently; unduly; extremely
corner; section; one horn; narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
(iron) dumbbells; (pair) of dumbbells
space; interval; space character; whitespace
opening suddenly and widely (e.g. eyes)
gymnastics; physical exercises; artistic gymnastics; gymnastics competition; physical education (class); PE
lower back; waist; hips; body (of hair, noodle, paper, etc.); resilience; spring
knack; skill; bone; skeleton; cremated remains (esp. the bones); ashes
it is assuredly (that)...; can say with confidence that it is...
kilo-; 1000; kilogram; kilogramme; kilometre; kilometer
inside; interior; inner part
difficult to understand; unintelligible; abstruse
minimum; at the very least
set; set meal; combo-meal; hairdo
to bend; to crook; to lean; to tilt; to bend (the truth); to distort
to sit down hard; to sink down to the floor
to swing downward; to bring down (one's sword, fist, etc.)
no matter how you put it; whatever the circumstances may be; say what you like; no matter how you look at it
to give up; to admit defeat; to throw in the towel
middle; halfway; half (of); one half; half (e.g. done, jokingly); partly
sports club (e.g. at school); sports department (e.g. in a newspaper)
annual (plant); first-year student
to sift out; to screen or eliminate (candidates)
menu; schedule; program; (computer) menu
precision instrument or machine
stamina; endurance; physical strength; strength of an organization (e.g. profitability, productivity, economic clout, stability, growth potential)
clique; group; (political) faction; wing; school; sect
back-facing; backwards; backward-looking; retrogressive; reactionary
sound of something making firm contact with a flat surface
location (of something); whereabouts; hiding place
shrill voice; piercing cry; shriek; scream
misunderstanding; mistaken idea; wrong guess
departure; leaving; starting; standing