because ...; for ...; the reason being ...; as for ...; when it comes to ...; regarding ...
extraordinary; special; exceptional; non-standard grammatical construction; ungrammatical usage; solecism
treatment; reception; service; working conditions; salary; pay
courting; wooing; making advances
group; crowd; flock; herd; bevy; school
at present; currently; so far; for now; for the time being
good feeling; good will; favourable impression; favorable impression
for convenience; as a matter of convenience
cooperation; collaboration
duty; sense of duty; honor; in-law; relation by marriage
asleep (in bed); sick in bed
to attack; to assail; to succeed (someone in a post, role, etc.); to make a sudden visit
irresponsible; perfunctory; lukewarm; half-baked; reasonable; moderate
remainder; remnant; (not) very; (not) much; too much; excessively
criticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach
to half-rise to one's feet
form; method; system; formula
bad (taste); unpalatable; poor; unskillful; ugly; unattractive
to lay hands on; to touch; to care for; to look after; to make off with; to steal
right beside; close to; nearby
to have a talk; to tell a story
intonation; accent; modulation; inflection
few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom
most of all; extremely; supremely
hygiene; sanitation; health
as expected; sure enough; after all (is said and done); in the end; too; also
joint establishment (esp. schools of different levels or different courses of study); establishment as an annex (e.g. of a school); juxtaposition; placing side by side
surgery; department of surgery (hospital, etc.)
person in charge; senior staff; manager; chief; head
medical care; medical treatment
transfer; transport; removal
to satisfy (conditions, one's appetite, etc.); to meet (e.g. demands); to fulfill; to fill (e.g. a cup); to pack; to supply
busy; occupied; hectic; restless; hurried; fidgety
within; inside of; less than
synthesis; coordination; putting together; comprehensive
inspection (e.g. customs, factory); examination; scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.)
room; wife (of someone of high rank); scabbard; Chinese "Encampment" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
appearance; presence; attendance; surrender (e.g. to the police); turning oneself in
way of talking; speaking style
to appease; to suppress; to calm