to hold (in one's hand); to take (into one's hand); to own; to obtain
to light (a candle, lamp, etc.); to turn on (a light)
to calm down; to compose oneself; to calm down; to settle down; to settle down (in a location, job, etc.); to settle in; to be settled
attitude; manner; behaviour; attitude (towards an issue, etc.); position; stance
nightclothes; nightwear; sleepwear; pyjamas; pajamas; nightgown
to put in order; to arrange; to get ready; to prepare; to work out (e.g. business deal); to arrange (e.g. marriage)
armrest (of a chair); elbow rest
furnished with; including; attached to; impression; appearance; luck; sociality
chair; stool; post; office; position
to compromise; to meet halfway; to step up to; to walk up to; to approach
myself; yourself; I; me; you
meeting face-to-face; seeing in person; facing (each other); opposing (traffic, etc.); confronting
to sit; to squat; to assume (a position); to hold steady; to hold still
to recommend (someone to do); to advise; to recommend (a book, someone for a position, etc.); to suggest; to offer (a drink, cigarette, seat, etc.)
late at night; small hours of the morning
to visit; to call on; to arrive (season, time, situation, etc.); to come; (arch.) to make a sound; (arch.) to send a letter
that way; that direction; there; that (one); you; your family
like; similar to; (I) think (that); (I) have a feeling (that); feels like; feels similar to
to ask; to inquire; to blame (someone) for; to accuse of; to care about; to regard as important
futility; waste; uselessness; pointlessness; idleness
other; another; over; more than; I; me
origin; source; base; basis; cause; ingredient; material
what; you-know-what; that thing; whatsit; whachamacallit; (not) at all; (not) in the slightest
uninhabited area; acting inhumanly; inhuman person; nonhuman life (usu. sentient)
hey; you; hey; hey; hold on; yo
oh; ho; exclamation of surprise, admiration, etc.; hoo (owl call); toot (sound of a flute)
head (of a household, etc.); leader; owner; proprietor; subject (of a rumour, etc.); doer (of a deed); guardian spirit (e.g. long-resident beast, usu. with mystical powers)
language; dialect; word; phrase; speech; (manner of) speaking
admiration; wonder; astonishment
to raise one's voice; to shout; to yell; to speak up (e.g. in protest); to speak one's mind
as (e.g. "do as one is told", "as we age we gain wisdom"); wherever (e.g. "wherever my fancy took me")
be; is; did; (have) done; please; do
inside; within; while (e.g. one is young); during; among; amongst; in (secret, chaos, poverty, etc.)
than; from; out of; except; but; more
to let out; to utter; to issue; to send; to leave; to depart
(cannot) possibly; (not) by any means; (not) at all; utterly; absolutely
my; one's own; I ...; one ...
to govern; to manage; to subdue