still; as yet; (not) yet; more; (more) still; at least
how much; how many; however (much); no matter how; what matters is ...; it all comes down to ...
to pass (of time); to elapse
strange; odd; unexpected; change; incident; disturbance
potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability
to be disappointed; to be dejected; to be downhearted; to feel exhausted; to feel drained
what kind of; what sort of; what; no matter what (kind of); whatever; any
continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; much (better, etc.); by far; far away; long ago
to use up; to exhaust; to devote oneself (to); to do one's utmost (for); to do to exhaustion; to do completely
to give; to let (one) have; to give; to do for one; to take the trouble to do; to do to someone's disadvantage
that; the; part (as in "part two"); um ...; er ...
to take down; to bring down; to drop off (a passenger); to let off; to withdraw (money); to use for the first time; to wear for the first time
to give birth; to bear (child); to lay (eggs); to produce; to yield; to give rise to
man; male; fellow; guy; male lover; boyfriend
to permit; to allow; to forgive; to pardon; to exempt (someone) from; to remit; to acknowledge
alone; by oneself; on one's own
to change; to alter; to transform; to reform; to revise; to amend
with ... as a start; taking advantage of; inspired by
daughter (of a good family)
to leave (behind); to leave (undone); to not finish; to save; to set aside; to leave (to someone, esp. after one's death)
from now on; after this; in the future; from here; from this point
to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to use (time, money, etc.); to spend
outside; exterior; the open (air); other place; somewhere else
to leak out; to escape; to find expression; to give vent; to leak out; to be divulged
marriage proposal; marriage talks
to resound; to be heard far away; to reverberate; to shake; to come (home); to remain (with someone)
god of pestilence; god who spreads infectious diseases; jinx; hoodoo; pest
to stop (an activity); to cease; to discontinue; to cancel; to abandon; to give up
as a matter of fact; by the way; to tell you the truth; to be honest; frankly
reading; reading (of a kanji, esp. kun reading); reading (e.g. of a situation); insight
absurd; unreasonable; extreme; senseless; disorderly; chaotic
sweet-tasting; sweet; fragrant (smelling); sweet (music); lightly salted; light in salt; naive
stock; share; stump; (clump of) roots; plant with attached roots or stem; strain (of bacteria, etc.); stock company
to let go of; to release; to part with (e.g. a possession); to relinquish; to send away (e.g. one's child); to let go
repayment; reimbursement; refund; redemption
itself; one's own body; oneself; originally; naturally
10^8; 100,000,000; hundred million
extent; degree; limit; bounds; (span of) time; (a) distance; the state of