to offer (a suggestion, etc.); to propose (an idea, etc.); to approach with (a proposal, etc.)
that; that thing; that person; then; that time; that place (over there); down there (i.e. one's genitals)
one's son; you little bastard; you little brat
management; dealing with; course of events; circumstances; end result (usu. bad); outcome
betrayer; traitor; turncoat; informer
order (from one's superior); command; what you say; (someone's) words
sound of footsteps; sense or sign that something is approaching
this way; this direction; here; this (one); I; me
to set free; to let go; to release; to miss (e.g. a chance); to lose; to let get away
ah!; oh!; yes; indeed; aah; gah
to catch; to capture; to catch hold of (someone); to stop (e.g. a stranger in the street); towards (someone); at (someone)
looks; countenance; facial features; physiognomy
certain; sure; doubtless; I have no doubt; You can depend on it; It's a safe bet
burglary; burglar; closet
no; nay; well; er; you're welcome; not at all
perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say
to give up on; to turn one's back (on); to abandon; to forsake; to dump (e.g. romantic partner)
discovery (of a plot, misdeed, etc.); detection; exposure; disclosure
to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be bothered; to be inconvenienced; to be badly off; to be hard up
sure; no mistaking it; for certain; without doubt
on the contrary; rather; all the more; instead
trouble; burden; nuisance; care; dependence; support
to become unrestrained and go to excess; to lose all restraint; to lose one's tension and become relaxed; to let go; to become disorderly; to be scattered
absurd; unreasonable; excessive; very; extremely; excessively
very; considerably; by no means; not readily; middle; half-way point
foot; paw; leg; gait; pace; bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji; means of transportation
progress; pace; carriage; step; stage
to lose (something); to mislay; to get rid of; to eliminate; to remove
to differ (from); to vary; to not be in the usual condition; to not match the correct (answer, etc.); to be different from promised; isn't it?
all; entire; whole; altogether
this; last (couple of years, etc.); these; you (as in "you liar")
pole; rod; line; dash; spoken monotonously
tower; stand; pedestal; calyx
according to; reads; reading; is written; says; states
indicates word or phrase being defined; used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.); with; (not) as much as; (not) so much as; the fact that
something; some; somehow; for some reason; (is there) something (you want, etc.)
a Buddha; deceased person
to sit; to squat; to assume (a position); to hold steady; to hold still
sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera); Indian lotus; lotus; rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)