to step on; to tread on; to set foot on (e.g. foreign soil); to stand on; to experience; to undergo; to follow (rules, principles, etc.)
excuse me; pardon me; I'm sorry; thank you
to collect; to gather; to save; to accumulate; to pile up
to stop (moving); to come to a stop; to stop (doing, working, being supplied); to come to a halt; to alight; to perch on
to stand; to rise; to find oneself (e.g. in a difficult position); to depart (on a plane, train, etc.)
alright; all right; right on; looking good; OK; okay
come; come now; well; who knows; well now; let's see
to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to get on (e.g. a footstool); to step on; to reach; to go over; to follow
good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable
high spirits; high energy; go!; go-man-go!; fashionably clothed and assertive (esp. of a woman); flashy
strangeness; abnormality; disorder
nursing; care; caregiving; caring
to call out (to); to call; to summon (a doctor, etc.); to invite; to designate; to name; to garner (support, etc.)
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom
please; somehow or other; one way or another
trouble; bother; annoyance
as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate
bag; sack; skin of an orange (and other like fruits); dead end; plot of land surrounded by water
far; distant; distant (past); remote (in time); distant (relationship or kinship); having little to do (with someone); far (from something else in quality, degree, etc.)
to arrive at; to reach; to sit on; to sit at (e.g. the table)
body; torso; trunk; build; physique; health
somehow; how; in what way; why; what kind of
to get dirty; to become dirty; to become sullied; to become corrupted; to lose one's chastity
please; kindly; by all means; certainly; here you are; to give
so; therefore; accordingly; consequently; on those grounds; that is why
south entrance; south exit
coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment
to throw away; to cast away; to abandon; to desert; to give up; to resign
warm; mild; warm (of a colour); mellow; having enough money
trouble; bother; annoyance; to be troubled (by); to be bothered (by); to be inconvenienced (by)
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
listen!; you see; mind you; remember
previously; before; first; before (something or someone else); beforehand; in advance
good; OK; all right; fine; very well; will do
all together now!; one, two, go!; ready, set, go!; heave, ho!; oops-a-daisy