bird; bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry
from now on; after this; in the future; from here; from this point
busy; occupied; hectic; restless; hurried; fidgety
to calm down; to compose oneself; to calm down; to settle down; to settle down (in a location, job, etc.); to settle in; to be settled
contacting; (making) contact; connection (with a train, bus, etc.); joining (a railway line, etc.); connection (between matters, incidents, etc.); relation
that; that thing; that person; then; that time; that place (over there); down there (i.e. one's genitals)
only; just; since; after; remaining (in a particular state)
I'm sorry; my apologies; may I come in?; permission; leave; dismissal
takoyaki; octopus dumplings
toilet; restroom; bathroom; lavatory
to borrow; to have a loan; to rent; to hire
vacuum bottle; thermos; jar
opening and shutting; opening and closing
company; corporation; workplace
to turn back (e.g. half-way); to return; to go back; to recover (e.g. something lost); to be returned; to rebound
by all means; at any cost; whether (one is) willing or not; willingly or unwillingly; on no account; by no means
junior (at work, school, etc.); younger people; younger student
to panic; to freak out; to fly into a tizzy
pretty; lovely; clean; clear; completely; entirely
which way; which direction; which one (esp. of two alternatives); who
layman (esp. as opposed to a Buddhist monk); laity; local manners; modern customs; common; popular
star (usu. not including the Sun); planet (usu. not including Earth); star (glyph, symbol, shape); star (actor, player, etc.); small dot; spot; star point (in go)
nicely; properly; frequently; often; I'm glad that you ...; thank you for ...
(not) at all; (not) in the slightest; wholly; entirely; extremely; very
seems; I think; I guess; don't you agree?; I thought you'd say that!
things like; something like; someone like; such a thing as; (the fact) that; to think that
to request; to beg; to call; to order; to entrust to; to rely on
beginning; outset; first; onset
remainder; remnant; (not) very; (not) much; too much; excessively
to be inclined to do; to be willing to do
myself; yourself; I; me; you
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
to say something is all right; to give the all-clear (e.g. to do something)
in front (of); before (e.g. a building); before; earlier; (the) front; frontal part; forward
to greet; to call out (to); to invite; to get in touch (with); to cheer (on); to give vocal support (to)
participation; joining; entry; adherence
orca (Orcinus orca); killer whale; grampus
population (of animals, etc.); population size; number of individuals
investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
elephant (Elephantidae spp.)
feeding habit (e.g. of an animal); feeding habitat
group; crowd; flock; herd; bevy; school
action; conduct; behaviour; behavior; mobilization; mobilisation