finally; at last; in the end; after all; never (happened)
congratulations!; well done!; best wishes!; all the best!
superior; excellent; fine
article; thing; object; property; real estate
general; popular; common; typical
by no means; never!; something unexpected; emergency; (arch.) currently; (arch.) for the time being
point; tip; head (of a line); front; first; before; (the way) ahead
to cross over (e.g. mountain); to go across; to get over (e.g. hardship); to pass time (e.g. a winter); to surpass; to be better than; to move house
there's no (other) way; cannot be helped; unavoidable; it's no use (doing); pointless; hopeless (person)
one's own convenience; one's way; surroundings; environment; convenience; ease of use; financial circumstances
to advance; to go forward; to precede; to go ahead (of); to make progress; to improve; to deepen
to be ...-ing; to have been ...-ing
good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable
since some time ago; for some time; for quite a while
strong; potent; strong; brawny; good (at); skilled; being able to handle
weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled; weak (wine)
or rather (say); or better (say); or perhaps I should say; or, how should I put it,...; I mean
that's the way it is; such is life
unnecessary; not needed; not necessary
suitable; proper; appropriate; perfunctory; half-minded; sloppy
to treat; to handle; to deal with; to arrange; to decorate; to dress
reverse; opposite; converse (of a hypothesis, etc.); inverse (function)
electricity; (electric) light
shoe; shoes; boots; footwear; footgear
slovenly (appearance, work, etc.); sloppy; untidy; weak; feeble; weak-willed
look here; I say; well; I know what; I'll tell you what; just a minute
one; for one thing; only; (not) even; just (e.g. "just try it"); some kind of; one type of
any; anything; whatever; I am told; I hear; I understand
love at first sight; being taken with someone at the first meeting
to differ (from); to vary; to not be in the usual condition; to not match the correct (answer, etc.); to be different from promised; isn't it?
or rather (say); or better (say); or perhaps I should say; or, how should I put it; I mean
embarrassing; embarrassed; ashamed; disgraceful; shameful
three; three years of age
female help; female labor; woman's handwriting; (arch.) hiragana
to raise; to rear; to train; to teach; to promote the growth of; to nurture